best friends sister😳 pt.2

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A/n: sorry I didn't read over it

"y/n, you ready?" you suddenly heard alex call out from the living room. you  nearly jumped out of your skin, and quickly sprung away from the door to avoid nettie noticing you .  "uh yeah, i'm here," you answered as you joined up with your best friend, trying your best to sound nonchalant. inwardly, you was cursing the interruption.

"hey, new bikini. nice. looks cute," alex remarked. you smiled at the compliment. "thanks . finally got my mom to get me this instead of a one-piece." alex chuckled; she knew how your mom could be.

she was wearing a bikini as well - in fact, one argument that you had used to convince your mom was that alex had been allowed bikinis for years. you thought the light green fabric went well with your friend's blonde hair. you noticed with a bit of guilty pride that, unlike your own, alex's bikini top didn't have much to hide, the girl still being rather flat-chested.

she was still certainly a pretty girl, and you had to admit she looked good in her bikini, even though you didn't usually think of the girl that way, since you had been best friends since birth. there was also the fact that ever since you had discovered your sexual feelings towards girls, your major crush had been alex's older sister.

you and alex went outside, and sat on the edge of the in-ground pool, dipping their feet in the water. it was a hot midsummer day, and the water was really nice. obediently waiting for nettie before fully getting into the pool, you both turned your heads towards the door when they heard her come out.

you couldn't keep your jaw from dropping at the sight. the teenager was wearing a thin, black, strapless bikini top with narrow horizontal stripes cut off in the middle to show off her cleavage. similarly, the bottom had an opaque section covering her private parts, but went on on the sides in thin strands of fabric with holes in between.

a pair of sunglasses completed her extremely sexy ensemble. even though you had seen the girl entirely naked a few minutes ago, the display still got your blood pumping. there was something to be said for the sexiness of clothes that concealed as well as revealed, she decided.

alex seemed quite surprised herself, her eyebrows trying their best to reach her hairline. "uh, does mom know you have a bikini like that?" she asked dubiously.
"no, and you won't tell her," nettie replied bluntly. "hmm," alex remained noncommittal. "dunno why you'd wear that anyway. aren't you gonna get set on fire out in the sun?" she said cheekily. her sister gave her a look over her sunglasses. "do you want to use the pool or not?"

"yes! okay, okay, sun's good," alex relented. "vitamin C and all that." "vitamin D," you corrected automatically, though your attention was still wholly  focused on nettie. you tried not to stare at the older girl, but it proved a difficult task, and the sunglasses made it hard to tell if she noticed you looking at all. alex jumped into the pool, splashing everywhere, and you followed her a bit more cautiously. "aren't you gonna take off your glasses?" alex asked.

"oh um, no, it's okay. i don't think i'll put my head under water," you said. you received a weird look in return. of course, the main reason you wanted to keep your  glasses on was so you could keep admiring nettie's body, but you  didn't really want to tell your  friend that.

your best friend and you started playing in the pool while the teenager lolled on a sun lounger, watching you - or so you assumed, but nettie could have just fallen asleep for all you knew. you had the nagging feeling that the older girl was observing  you from behind her sunglasses though, maybe judging you silently.

it made you nervous, since you kept stealing glances at the teenager. you just couldn't help herself; it was not everyday that you got to ogle your crush's near-enough nude body at her leisure. after a while though, you did manage to relax and start enjoying yourself, nettie becoming more a pleasant distraction than a source of stress. about half an hour later, you both were play-wrestling on a pool raft, trying to push each other into the water.

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