Online Girlfriend. (B.E.)

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hey, was wondering if youd wanna call 2night?
miss calling you

idk if i'll be able to tonight bil
family's got a little gathering thing going on and i might have to go there till it's late
sorry love :(

oh ofc Y/N dw
lemme know if u can tho?

yh b
i'll ttyl :)

"billie <3" loved a message you sent.

*3 hours later*

yh b
i'll ttyl :)
7:19 PM

10:08 PM

hey b, i'm free to call now if you are?

10:13 PM

hi luv
can call in a min just doing sum rq

*Incoming Call from "billie <3"*

"Hey, babyyy."

Billie loudly spoke as the call connected.

"Hey, Billie."

You instantly smiled as her face popped up on screen. She was wearing a white cap and seemed to be in a car.

"How're you doing, love?"

Billie asked. Since it was night and dark out, street lights flashed different colors on her face as the car she was in sped down the quiet-er streets of LA.

"I'm doing good. I missed you. And your voice. Mostly your face." You laughed and Billie smiled, her eyes looking at your face on her screen.

You were laying in bed with your orange LED's on, however Billie was out and about at this time of night.

"What you doing, baby?"

You asked and Billie's face glitched out on screen and lagged a bit before cutting to a frame of her showing Finneas next to her in the driver's seat.

"We just went to the stor—icked up some snacks." Her voice continued to cut out.

"Ouh, nice. Do you want me to show you my outfits that arrived today?"

You ask, getting ready to set up your camera.

"Girl, that isn't even a question. Try them on for me right now." Billie smiled widely and had a quick conversation with her brother as she waited for you to get changed and set up the camera.

As you showed off your first outfit, Billie seemed to get out of the car and walk onto the porch of her house.

"Wooh-ooh-wee! Damn, look at that fine bitch!" Billie called out into the dark night and bit her bottom lip as she brought the phone closer to her face.

You smile, feeling a heat rush to your cheeks out of embarrassment.

"This one i wasn't too sure about... butttt, I think I like it."

"Like it? I, personally, love it. Turn around 'lil bit more?" Billie commanded and you did as she said with a slight frown.

"Stay right there."

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