Boston. (B.E.)

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What happened that night in one of Boston's best hotels was something that you and Billie silently sworn and agreed to never talk about. Maybe you should feel guilty about what happened. But you can't bring yourself to feel that way. Can't or won't? There's a fine line and a difference you don't want to admit to yourself. You should only feel guilt if you regret doing something. Well, that's what you believed.

It was a rainy night but  Billie was having an amazing night: her best friend with her and she had just finished her last show of the tour she was currently on. She had to use her best friend's jacket to cover her head from the rain and shield herself from the harsh wind that had picked up that night after the sun set. She was giggling and laughing the whole night, her eyes twinkling with happiness to finally be done with this exhausting tour. She needed this long break she would have now.

You, her best friend, were with her throughout the whole evening; watching her last performance as you had done many times before. She was radiating happiness and couldn't be bothered by the terrible weather that night. The hotel you two stayed in that night was amazing. The room service was deemed and guaranteed to be amazing and the best. Reviews supported that.

Billie had just finishing laughing really hard at something you said as you were both walking to your car. You weren't that bothered with getting that wet since you lent Billie your jacket to protect herself. She let your jacket cling to her head and she held it together under her chin with her left hand as she dropped her hand to her side. You didn't notice anything until you felt her hand touch yours. You smile to yourself and let her hand slide inside your own and intertwine her fingers with your own.

Billie sighs happily, leaning her head against your shoulder as her hand tightly gripped yours. "I'm really happy." Billie concluded out loud. You smile to yourself and then look at her. She turned to glance at you with a smile too.

"And I'm really glad you're here with me tonight. Couldn't have thought of a better person to be spending my time with." Billie rested her head on your shoulder again before picking it up as you both neared your car. You used your other hand to unlock the car with your keys and give Billie's hand a squeeze.

"Good. I'm glad you're happy. You deserve it. Seriously. And... I couldn't think of a better person either." You said.

You and Billie got in the car and she groaned softly, dropping your wet jacket on her lap with a soft laugh. "That rain was so horrible. Are you sure you didn't want your jacket back? 'Cause I feel horrible now. You're all wet."

Billie didn't catch your small smirk that you subconsciously did. You shrugged, "Too late now, anyways. Better you with it than me. Wouldn't want that beautiful face of yours to be smeared with that mascara of yours would we?" You playfully caress her cheek for a few seconds, looking deeply into her eyes with a small smile.

Billie was also smiling, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth and her eyes twinkling again. The reflections of the fairy lights decorating the street, which connected from street light to street light, you were on were shining in her eyes. The soft yellow from the lights gave her face a soft glow.

To anyone passing by, this would have looked extremely romantic. And it was. It was so romantic you had to pull back and think about what just happened. You decided you regretted making that joke and touching her like that because it brought up some hidden feelings.

"Ready to head back then, B?"

As you drove carefully to the 5-star-hotel, you and her jammed out to some music and then just let it play softly in the background as you both talked. There was a lot of traffic today. It's okay, it gave you two the time to talk properly. It allowed Billie to get into a deep conversation with you about how she's been feeling the last few days. You decided you didn't want this conversation to end yet and you liked how Billie was really spilling everything she felt tonight. So, you parked in a quiet street and turned the engine off. You didn't need any light to see her facial features because the street lights on the street provided just enough to make out her lips, jawline and her eyes.

"His eyes just... They gave away that he was lying. I don't—and I don't wanna sound like a bitch— but I don't trust him anymore. He should just talk to me about why he has been so distant. And... I really don't wanna go assuming things but, like c'mon. I just want him to tell me how he feels. It's fucking frustrating walking on eggshells around him because he can't grow the balls to tell me that he doesn't wanna be with me anymore." Billie talks and rolls her eyes. She was talking about her newest boyfriend. She had been dating him for around seven months now.

"Mhm. At this point it's toxic, B. Seriously. This isn't healthy. He's manipulating you and you may not see it, but as someone from the outside, I do." Billie nodded and sighed at your response.

"You're right. I know you are, I'm just trying not to think about it."

Somehow that slightly depressing conversation had turned into Billie and you joking with one another, talking about things that happened during the show.

"They were non stop talking about that one part where you get down on your knees and literally bend over. It was so funny to hear them just talk about it as though it was the best thing to have ever happened. Which, you know, I'm not disagreeing with." You held your hands up defensively in surrender as a joke, "Like that part of the show always gets me feeling hot and sweaty." You laugh softly and Billie slaps your shoulder with a laugh.

"Shut up. Finneas hates that part so much. It's an ongoing joke between all of my babies that he always looks so awkward when I do stuff like that." Billie laughs softly and shuffles in her seat to face you properly.

You lean your head back with a small sigh and a smile on your face. You and her seemed to be doing a lot of smiling now that you finally had some time together. Billie's eyes are searching for yours but yours are stuck on the steering wheel in front of you. You're just looking at it, sitting in a comfortable silence until you decided to look at Billie.

Her head is tilted, her eyes soft and gentle when they look at you.

"You're a dick and I love that about you."

You scoff and laugh, "What did I do now?" You ask incredulously. You were just sat there the whole time during that brief silence. "Why are you calling me a dick now? I haven't done anything to provoke you."

"Because you make me want to kiss you." Billie mumbles, turning back to face forward again. Her hands suddenly become the most interesting thing in the world.

Your heart rate picks up and soon you can hear your heat pumping in your ears. "Really?" You ask gently. Billie sighs and plays with her fingers, adjusting the small collection of rings decorating them.

"Yeah," Billie confirmed. "Just something about you attracts me. And I just wanna kiss you. It almost feels like I need to kiss you. But every time I've felt this way I've just pushed it away as me not thinking right."

You stare. What do you say?

"Kiss me then."

part two with kiss and potentially smut, eh? 👀😉

like every other recent chapter i've released, just came up with this on the spot

sooo, what do we say?

'mistakes are welcomed!' well done yayyy

<3 ymfp toodles

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