Can't Sleep? (B.E.)

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1:47 AM.

It was pitch black in the room but Billie's eyes were adjusted to the darkness by now. She had been awake since the clock read 01:32.

Bored out of her mind, restless as fuck and not tired at all.

She had tried entertaining herself by drawing patterns on your arms, inhaling your scent and shoving her face into your neck, listening to your breaths as you sleep and tickling your neck until you would groan softly in your sleep and shift positions.

Blowing an accidentally-loud raspberry had stirred you awake after all the touching Billie had done to mess with your sleeping self.

"B..?" You mumbled quietly, your voice raspy and deeper than usual.

Billie widened her eyes to herself and pretended to be asleep so you could go back to sleep.

"Baby, why you ignore me?"

"Shh, love. Sleep," Billie brushed her hand down your face, trying to do that thing in the movies where you close someone's eyes.

"Bitch...?" You pull back away from her after saying this.

"Billieeuh!" you quietly exclaim.

"Yes, my one and only?"

You groan. This proves she's not tired and is fully awake. Because who can be arsed to say that many words first thing after waking up?

"Sleep. Why wake me up?" You mumble, cuddling into her side.

"Can't sleep... am not tired."

"Poor thing..." Mumbling was so loud in the silent home. Your voice sounded so half-arsed, and honestly you were. You could not be bothered. You just want to go back to sleep.

"Want me to cuddle you, darling?"


















"I still can't sleep, Y/N."

With a sigh, you kiss her face—wherever your lips would and could land— and ended up kissing her jawline.

"I know. You want me to fuck you..."

Billie devilishly giggled.



"Alright, B. I can stop if you wanna... Know you won't want to."

You mumbled as you pushed yourself tiredly under the covers.

"You sure you want to do this, baby? You're really tired."

"I love eating you out when i'm tried. It's surreal."

You joked and Billie chuckled quietly, spreading her legs so you can lay in between them. Her thighs were so warm for you to tiredly rest your head on.

You both slept naked but Billie got a bit cold and put on a fitting tank top which her tits hung out of because the straps were so thin. She'd always wake up with her tits out of the top or tank top.

"Hands." You mumble and rest your head against her thighs. Billie instantly slipped her hands under the covers to join yours.

You both hold hands as you start to go down on her. Your tongue works on and around her clit slowly, building up to a faster speed.

"That's nice... feels good."Billie mumbled with a hum of satisfaction. You continue to lick and suck on her clit. Every now and then lightly tracing your tongue from her vagina all the way up to the hood of her clit. You stop there and apply more pressure with your tongue and begin to rub circles with it.

"Fuck, I love head." Billie whispered and her thigh twitched as you ran over her clit with your wet tongue.

Her soft whimpers were so quiet but so loud in the silence of the night.

"You still want to do this?"

"Mhm..." It was hard to reply since your mouth was was busy at the moment.

"You're really tired."

"Wow, really?"

Billie sighed as she brushed her hands into your hair and her hips moved against your face.

"Like that..." Billie whimpered quietly.

Her breathing heavy and hot. Soon Billie was finishing on your tongue with a hitch of her breath and a sigh. You climb back up and lay down on your side, breathing heavily as you recovered from being buried in between your girlfriend's thighs.


Deafening silence was all ears could make out after listening the the background noise of small, quiet whimpers and soft sighs mixed with heavy breathing.


With a slightly grumpy sigh you hum, "Yeah?"

She notices this slight shift in energy you gave out and this caused her to stutter as she thought about how to word her next sentence.

"I—...Are you alright?"


"I'm sorry baby, I am."

You shrug and cuddle into the covers.

"S'whatever. Sleep."


<3 ymfp toodles

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