Mistletoe Mrs. (b.e.)

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It was a well-thought-out and carefully manufactured plan: the timing, place and how you were going to dangle that mistletoe above her head, catch her off guard and have your way with her.

The best part, to you, was the fact that her whole family was here, and this wasn't even hers or your house—this was the house of the other side of her family. There had to be at least 15-24 people in the house that night. You were scared to even actually continue with the plan you came up with, but you just couldn't help yourself when the perfect opportunity presented itself.

"Jackie! Can you go entertain your little cousins?" The eleven-year-old girl had skipped away at her mother's orders. All the other adults were having a drink in the living room, the owners of the house occasionally making a trip to their large kitchen to check on the dinner.

Billie sits next to you on the couch, her hand in yours resting in your lap, legs and knees touching one another's to just feel that closeness of each other. Her thumb occasionally strokes over your fingers in a comforting way, just in case all the new people overwhelmed you a bit.

"Hey, come with me?" You mumble to Billie with a smile, turning to her and using your free hand that wasn't holding hers to brush some hair behind her ear, and you press a quick kiss to her cheek.

"Yeah," she smiles back and sets her drink down on the table in the middle of the living room.

"Where are you two going? Dinner won't be long," Maggie, Billie's mom, had spoken up, rushing her drink down her throat to speak before it was too late and you had already left.

"Y/N just wants to show me something, Mom. Be back in a minute, I swear."

You give a shy smile to Maggie, she just waves you off and smiles with a laugh. Patrick, Billie's dad, was too busy talking to Billie's Aunts and Uncles to notice you lead her out of the busy room.

Kids yelling and playing games upstairs could be heard, very much heard. In fact, you felt like it was all you could hear as you pulled your girlfriend through the beautiful, large home. Eventually, you couldn't hear the kids screaming and laughing, and that is when you realised you were on the other side of the house—alone, finally.

"What did you wanna show me?" Billie smiles, bouncing on the balls of her feet in the cutest way. Her cheeks were red and blush, her hair done up nicely, a Santa hat sitting nicely on top, and an oversized Christmas jumper on with a cute little Christmas skirt.

"Hold on—what's that," You point behind her and act weirded out. She looks back with a frown and then looks back at you. But, by the time she's already turned around to face you again, you've reached into your pocket and pulled out a fake little mistletoe plant.

"Look up."

She looks up slowly with a knowing smile.


"Shh, you've gotta kiss me. I don't make the rules, baby. Sorry."

You pucker your lips out in an exaggerated manner and she laughs the cutest giggle before leaning forward and placing a fat kiss on your lips.

"Wanna know something really cool?" You ask, slowly lowering the mistletoe.

"Go on..." She says suspiciously with a large smile.

"Is that," you bring the fake plant closer to both of your faces to examine and inspect it further, "if there's a line right... there, yep! Right, that means... that I have to take you to the nearest empty room..."

You grab her hand and pull her into the room on your left, which turns out to be a loud laundry room, with the machines on and washing multiple loads of clothes, each with their own.

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