Is this it? (B.E.)

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(Borderline) Toxic relationship.

It started a couple months back. I guess I should've noticed the subtle red flags in her at the start. The way she slowly changed. The way her comments progressively became more and more harsh and criticizing.

The way she stopped doing simple little things for me like opening my car door for me or pulling my chair out or complimenting my outfits or how good I looked. Even buying flowers or protecting my arm and elbow from hitting the corner of the table as i leaned to grab something i dropped on the floor with her hand.

How she slowly stopped communicating and stopped pushing or putting effort into starting conversations with me. When she sits in her room away from me instead of in the living room watching movies.

Or when she ignores me or makes me feel uncomfortable because of her staring at me after a joke I made. She makes me feel uncomfortable. I cant even comprehend how much she used to do for me anymore. It just doesn't seem real to think she used to be so nice and loving. It doesn't seem believable that she's changed this much.

But... maybe she didn't actually change to be like this. Maybe she was already this way, cruel, viscous, horrible—in the most borderline way. Maybe she was hiding her true self because she knew i wouldn't have got with her. Maybe she'll never change.

It's the way she would lie straight to my face. It's the way she would get defensive about the smallest things. It's the way she blames me for everything. It's the way she gaslights me and makes me feel guilty for not 'giving her space' when she had been gone for 17 hours and hadn't once texted me to tell me where she is or whether she's okay or not.

"Going out now. Pleaseeee stop texting me, gets lowkey annoying, babe." Billie mumbled as wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Mm, okay. At least let me know you're okay, Billie?" I ask, unwrapping her arms from my waist.

She closed her eyes and puckers her lips with a smile.

I give her a quick kiss and she frowns.

"That it?" she asked with a small laugh.

"One more," she whispered and repeated her actions.

I force a soft laugh and lean to kiss her again—just for a hit longer than the previous.

Billie sighed into the kiss and placed her hands on my jaw, pulling me into her more.

Her rings were cold against my cheek and her lips so soft against my own.

She pulls away and smiles as she caresses my cheek.

It's this deception. She deceives me and I fall for it. She makes me believe she cares for me and loves me with the way she looks at me after kisses.

"Not gonna text me, right?"

"You gonna text me and let me know you're not dead?" I reply. She chuckled.

"Stop avoiding my question." She smiled sweetly.

"Answer mine then, Bil. The time you were gone for seventeen hours and didn't send a single text to me fucking scared me. I thought something bad had happened. I was so worried."

I confess and frown as i stare into her eyes. Her hands rubbing my hips softly.

"Damn, sorry you felt that way, Bunny. We've already talked about this." Billie spoke condescendingly.

"No... No, Billie, we didn't. I tried to speak about it and you just shut the conversation down like you're doing now." I tried to stand my ground and stay strong against her glare.

"I told you, baby. You're too sensitive."

She's deflecting the blame off of herself onto me because she knows she's wrong.

"You're not sensitive enough. You're being a toxic ass bitch lately, Billie."

It's silence once I make that statement...

She stared at me with her mouth slightly ajar. A shocked expression played on her face as her eyes displayed hurt.

"What? Can't handle it? It's the truth," I spoke clearly. my voice was beginning to shake though.

Sucks we have to go through this. Thought she was the one when we were early in.

"What the fuck, Y/N? That... really fucking hurt." Billie's voice broke and her eyes teared up.

Here she goes pretending to be the victim. Pretending to feel hurt. Pretending like she's the one who needs to get away.

"You don't deserve to feel so hurt. You've got a lot of fucking nerve. I don't deserve to feel so shitty all the time, Billie. Which is why i've came to the final decision—we're over."

I spoke loud. I walked towards Billie until she was at the door. I opened it for her one last time.

"So, maybe you should leave... before i get too mean and-and take it out on you. Because, Billie, I'm so done with your shit and I dont have any sympathy for you left. And i'm not like you and i never want to be so sad and horrible and cruel like you. So, i never want to see you again. For your sake, i hope you get better."

"Is this it?"

"Yes. Goodbye."

<3 ymfp toodles

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