car sex (b.e.)

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It was like a quite classic movie scene. Dark at night, quite chilly out, a dodge challenger parked in a secluded area of a baseball match that had ended hours ago now. You and Billie had bought some tickets to the quite popular game in hopes of being one of those cheesy couples; it was also to make Billie feel more normal and less celebrity-like.

The car wasn't running and so it sort of blended in with its surroundings due it's dark matte color anyway. It was around 10 at night so it was quite dark now. The stadium lights were still turned on (as they always were) and the moon shone brightly with its stars in the sky. These light sources helped Billie see your face as the you made marks down her body.

"Just keep going, baby." Billie breathily whispered, afraid her voice would crack and give up on her the moment she attempted to use it. You just kept going lower and lower until you reached Billie's slightly baggy jeans. Billie had already undone the button on them in a haste and so you only really had to unzip the fabric and tug them past Billie's ass. Which was harder than it seemed; these jeans fit Billie's ass quite well and you seemed to start struggling when you couldn't slip your girlfriend out of them.

"Billie," You started and sat up for a moment to take a deep breath. "I physically cannot get those jeans off of your ass."

Billie was panting already at this point and so worked up but she started breathlessly giggling and closed her eyes allowing her head to drop back on the back seat. From your view, Billie had a small bead of sweat dripping from her hairline and her cheeks were flustered as the moonlight came in and invaded the car with help of the stadium lights to brighten the interior of Billie's car.

"Just give second." Billie tried to say but she was far too horny and flustered to even care to speak properly about some jeans. The only time she'd speak properly, she thought, is when she's telling you to fuck her harder or change rhythms. Maybe even to get that new strap-on out of it's box in Billie's trunk...

"Holy shit! Get out. Go-... Go get the box out of my trunk." You frowned a bit but slipped your shirt back on nevertheless and exited the car.

(what do you americans CALL IT?!! 😡🤬 TRUNK, BOOT, CARBOOT?!?)

You retrieved the mysterious box from the car and returned to meet Billie in the back of the car again.

"What is in this box which is so important to be stopping me from fucking my girlfriend?" You mumbled against Billie's lips. She had sat up now and took the box from your hands slowly.

"You'll have to wait a few more minutes to find out, won't you, baby?" Billie grinned and placed a few kisses on your cheek. You hummed and sat next to Billie, watching curiously as she opened the box on her lap.

"It's something I've been meaning to show you," Billie mumbled softly for she didn't have to speak loud as it was quiet in the car. You both were interested in whatever was inside the box and Billie was practically purring with excitement as she bit her bottom lip to help contain her large grin.

What the box contained was... not what you were expecting.

"Well," Billie grinned as she held the item up in her hand. "What do you think?" She was so excited; her eyes were so lit up and her large smile was almost manic-like. She looked a bit crazy but it was in the best and cutest way.

"I, uh... I think that... it... is... wonderful?"

You replied, unsure of your own words as you stared at the profuse amount of detail on the... dick.

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