You feelin' okay? (b.e.)

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Rushed because I wanted to get something out for you all


Finneas had told me that Billie, my best friend and girlfriend, was acting strange lately. He had also told me that she was super emotional. So, I think she's just on her period.

"Hey! She's upstairs Y/N." Finneas gave me a small hug when he opened the door.

He was like 5'11. Super tall compared to me.

"Alright, thanks fin." I gave him a small smile and stepped into the house.

"Hey maggie!" I exclaimed. I haven't been over lately since I was too busy working and spending time with my mom.

Plus, they had all just got back from Billie's international tour.

I was gonna go with them but Billie's managers didn't let me since there wouldn't be enough room and it would 'distract' Billie.

"Oh, hi honey! It's so good to see you again! Billie's been so sad lately, poor thing. Bless her." Maggie smiled sadly before continuing to back some... vegan cookies?! Ouh, they're so tasty.

Maybe the cookies could help.

"I'm gonna go up to Billie and see if she'll talk to me. It's nice seeing you again, Mags." I smiled at her before carrying my gym bag down the hallway with me. It had some of my clothes since I was planning to stay at Billie's house for a few days.

Normally, you'd hear Billie blasting music. Sometimes even shouting along with the lyrics.

But it was quiet, the only thing heard was Patrick and Maggie talking down the hallway with Finneas.

I couldn't hear anything though. But, I could see the red light radiating from her room. Billie sleeps with the red LED lights on. But, that doesn't mean she's sleeping right now.

I knock gently on the door before opening it.

"Hey babba..." i whisper, "are you awake?" Billie was curled up in bunch of LV and Gucci blankets.

I gently slid my bag down my arm and let it drop to the floor.
I walked over to her bed and crawled onto it.

Billie's hands were covering her face.

"Baby... are you okay?" I softly spoke, billie removed her hands from her face, that's when I could kinda see the tears in her eyes.

She shook her head slowly, wiping her face. "It hurts..." her voice cracked as she wiped her eyes roughly.

"Poor bubs, why? You on your period?" I asked before laying down with her. Sniffling, Billie nodded and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm a lesbian... why?"

Billie groaned out quietly. I smiled to myself, wrapping my arms around her body to secure her.

"Do you feel like you're gonna faint?"

I ask with my mouth pressed to her forehead.


Billie had a history with fainting while on or due on. The hormones get too much fro her to handle and she faints for a few seconds.

She'll pass out sometimes too. But that'll be for a few minutes or even hours.

I hate seeing her crying when she's at a concert because of her cramps. She suffers with super heavy periods which is why the doctors put her on birth control. They didn't help with the cramps though.

"I don't wanna pass out... but this headache is s-so bad." She stuttered. I couldn't tell if she was about to cry, but I think she was? I mean, her voice was shaking so I think she's about to cry.

"Did you take any medicine, baby?" I pull my face away slightly.

Billie nods. "I can take some more at 4..."

Sighing, i move to be in a more comfortable position.

"Close your eyes and Ill turn on the TV so you can relax more. Don't worry, I'll put it on low volume..."

Billie nods and starts to kick her feet trying to pull the cover down.

I pull it down and we both get inside of it.


Billie mumbles, her whole body relaxing and her eyes closing instantly.

I furrow my eyebrows. Uhhhhhh....

Did she faint? Or is she doing what I said to do?

"Baby?" Once I got no response, I sighed. I pushed her to lay on her back and pulled all the blankets off of her body and face so she could breathe. I lifted her legs slightly so the blood and oxygen could get to her head again.

"Bils... billiebear..." i peck her lips gently.

I checked Billie's pulse on her neck with my other hand just to make sure it wasnt faint or anything.

Billie stirred and groaned, "it's okay, baba... I'm here with you." I let her know she wasn't alone. She told me that when she faints, she gets a headache so bad to the point where she can't see properly and she forgets a bit.

When Billie first fainted, I was so scared. But now, it's kinda anormal thing for her when she's on. I hate it and so does she but we have to deal with it.

I don't know why it affects her so much to the point where she faints. So when she's on stage, I make her chug at least 5 water bottles during the concert.

"It hurts..." she whimpered, holding her stomach.

"I know, bubs. Just get some rest for now and we'll take your pills later." I kiss Billie's forehead once more, taking her body into a hug. "Thank you for helping." She thanked me again, I sigh.

"It's no problem, babygirl. I love you. Now, close your eyes and get your cute butt to sleep." Billie's giggle filled the room before she yawned.

"You've made me tired now."

"Good, have a nap. I'll be right here."

I grab the remote from her nightstand to turn the TV on.

I click the YouTube button and wait for it to load.

Once it loaded, I quickly turned down the TV to 10 and turned CoryxKenshin on since he was her favorite YouTuber right now.

<3 ymfp toodles

🌟bILLIE eILISH smut 🌟Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora