terrible timing (b.e.)

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Basically you live under a rock in this chapter cause you don't know who tf Billie eilish is. 🧍‍♀️and you're stupid

My mind was elsewhere while writing this lmao

gen-z is a different breed in this one


I was currently walking back home from going to the store. I had a plastic bag full of takis, Coca Cola, galaxy and malteasers. Yes, I'm a fat bitch. But I'm on my period. I'm planning on going home with all these snacks to watch white chicks.

It cheers me up, and I remember watching it when I was younger. Ouh, and Big Mama. Those movies are so good.

I stop as I see an alleyway. I've seen that this alleyway is a shortcut of going all the way around on the google maps or whatever it's called. I love exploring and shit. . . But, I'm a woman. . .

Fuck it, who's gonna be in an alleyway at 7 PM? Actually lots of people, but let's ignore that.

I pull my hood up and start walking into the alley. It's not that bad, Y/N. It's just an alleyway that takes you to the exact street you need to be on. It's just a quicker version of the road.

I exhale a shaky breath as I keep my head down, navigating through the dirty, damp alley.

I look up as I hear a trunk of a car opening and a deep hum.

I gasp and widen my eyes, is this a fucking drug deal?! There were at least 4 dudes here, two cars, which one of them contained what looks to be weed and acid, maybe even some pills? I don't know, there was also some wooden boxes of something.

One man with super oversized clothes, which were designer, looked at me. I noticed he also had a green bandanna on, covering most of his face up to his piercing blue eyes. The dude I'm describing was now looking at me.

Quite short for a dude.

I turn around and instantly start speed walking away. "Hey! Get back here!" A deep voice yelled, footsteps getting louder and quicker.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

I wince as I get shoved against the wall, my face getting squashed against it.

"Why the hell are you here for? Huh? Why you walking into this alleyway, knowing the dangers it could hold?"

"I-I don't know! I was just tryna take a short cut! I'm so sorry, I didn't see anything. I-I won't say anything--"

"Yeah, you won't say anything because you're not gonna get away!" Now that I hear it up close, it's actually a woman's voice.

My eyes were screwed shut, my face getting pushed into the brick wall forcefully and her front against my back.

No, this can't be a woman. There's some big package down there. "Lights out, mamas."

.   .   .   .

Oh my god this headache is a bitch! That's such a weird dream. At least now I know to never go down that alleyway.

"Wake up."

God dammit.

I open my eyes, instantly seeing a black and dark red ceiling. "How's your head?"

Where the hell is this bitch?

I sit up a bit, my head already starting to throb. I look around and see the woman who looks and felt like a dude.

They had white roots and black hair.

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