Who's that girl you been seeing? (B.E.)

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slow burn but there IS smut

"So, now you're all showered and in your PJs, how'd it go?"

Claudia asked excitedly as her sister in law sat down on her own bed, right next to where Claudia sat.

"It was sooo good! She's so sweet and oh my god she's just... Like, I know it's only the third date but i think she's into the things i'm into."

"Aww, she likes drawing and music and stuff too?" Claudia asked, stabbing some pasta on her fork and shoving it in her mouth.

Billie did the same.

"Mm-mm, i mean... kinks... and stuff. Like sexy stuff. She's so funny and hot. Like, whattt?"

Billie laughed and Claudia raised her eyebrows in shock.

"Oh!! Okay, I get you. You gonna go out with her again soon or did you not make—"

A ding was heard on Billie's phone.

"Oh, might be her. Maybe she's texting you about a fourth date?"

Billie excitedly put her pasta bowl down and reached for her phone.

"It's her!!" She squealed like a teenage girl who just got a text from the boy she likes.

"What'd she say?"

Claudia asked with the same energy as her fiancé's little sister.

"She said... Hold on, it's loading."

You made Billie feel normal. You made her feel like she wasn't some famous singer. She liked that. The way she forgot all her worries when with you.

"Okay, she said, 'Hey, hope you got home safe. Really loved spending the day with you today.' Smiley face. 'Was wondering if you'd want to go on another date with me soon?'"

Billie had a massive, dumb grin on her face as she read the text.

"Wait she text again, 'I'm really enjoying getting to know you.' Ahhh! My heart is, like, fucking racing, dude!"

Billie laughed and Claudia just looked at Billie with a massive smile.


"'Well' what?" Claudia replied, confused and laughing slightly as she continued to eat her dinner with her legs crossed on Billie's bed.

"What do I say?!"

Billie laughed as well as she typed out different responses before deleting them.

"Uhm, okay. Say, 'I loved today too, it was amazing. I would definitely love to see you again sometime soon.'"

Billie looks at Claudia.

"That doesn't sound like me."

"What?? Okay, then make your own reply up!"

Claudia exclaimed back and laughed.

"Ughh!! You're useless!!"

"I basically text for you!!"



hey B, hope you got home safe, i really loved spending the day with you today :)
was wondering if you'd wanna go on another date with me soon?
i'm really enjoying getting to know you

hii, i got home alright thank you
sorry i took so long to reply, i just got out the shower :))
but yeah i'd love to go on another date again and who knows? maybe i'll give you more kisses ;)

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