Internet gf <3 (b.e.)

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AU where Billie isn't famous and you don't live in the same state as her.

idk why but lately i've been loving making these internet and online dating imagines. hopefully i'll release one soon after this where its like fluffy and stuff. hopefully

billie <3
i know you're asleep but god. do you ever get tired of not being able to just hold the one person you want? because i know i do. i know i fucking do. it's just times where i feel like i need you the most, you can't be here with me. i've never felt your touch. never even smelled what you smell like, because you know how ppl always go on about how they know the smell of their lover? i've never kissed you or hugged you or even held your hand. but god do i want to. sometimes i have dreams filled with us just touching in some sort of way. mostly just non sexual and innocent but yk i can't help when i get the handsy ones too

billie <3
i just wanna do that simple shit like i wanna hold pinkies with you, kiss you, hold you, be in your presence. i just miss you and i've never met you in person. i get so sick of this. of us

billie <3
not us. sorry you know what i mean baby. sorry, i never get sick of you my love. i mean i get sick of the type of relationship we have. like instead of us being irl gfs we're online instead and we don't get to experience one another's touch or vibe & presence.

billie <3
sorry bby, that sounds bad as well hah. i love the type of relationship we have but i'd rather be able to touch you and be close to you. like when i have a shit day i just think about how much i want to come home and just hug you and kiss you. i don't mean to ramble it just got me thinking and i just needed to express my feelings and let them out. i feel better now. probably gonna go delete the messages hah
Delivered 2:03 AM

i do get tired of not being able to touch you or be physically near you, yeah. but i think of how grateful i am to have you like i have you now. like at least i get to look at your face, at least i get to talk to you on the phone, at least i get to watch movies with you by sharing screens. you know what i mean?

of course i wanna touch you and do all these things with you and to you but at least i know that one day we will do those things. one day i will kiss you, one day i will hug you, touch you, cuddle you, hold you and have you. yk?

i'm just up cuz i'm at a friends rn & they about to sleep and was gonna go sleep as well but i heard my phone vibrate. was almost not gonna check it but i thought 'wait it could be billie'

billie <3
hi babyyyy <3

hi love <3

billie <3
sorry, you just got me all flustered hah

billie <3
when i saw you were typing back i started giggling and blushing... fuck man i wish you were here.

mm bby me too

billie <3
you're sleepy, i can tell with your texts

billie <3
i like when you're sleepy

billie <3
i wish i could see your face pretty girl :(

would say ft but they're sleepinv

billie <3
oh ok
Read 2:08

Today, 2:15

you okaay?
Delivered 2:15

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