Chapter 77: Cashmere

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The guilt was overwhelming. The fact that I could've saved him-that I could've done something, but I didn't-it was eating me alive. I kept thinking he was sill here, that he was just going to the bathroom or something and that he'll come back. But he never did. He never came back, and I knew that it's my fault. He saved us, countless times. I mean sure, he caused a lot of drama-but he completed our group. He made this whole trip possible. Without him, the four of us never would have met.

He's also the reason you were experimented on. He was a traitor-
No, he was not a traitor. He was forced to bring us to Dr. Shep, and he got us out, right? He paid the ultimate price to free us.

I glanced over at Wilt but her back was facing me. I wanted to tell her that it would all be okay, but I knew it wouldn't help. Plus, I had dealt with Aqua just days after her dad had died, so I knew from experience that things like that wouldn't help. They don't want sympathy, just to know that you'll be there for them, to remember funny memories of the lost one, they want to cry with you, to share pain-but also laughter. It's a hard thing that no one should have to go through. No one.

I opened the glass door of the airport and stepped out into the parking lot. A random gust of cold wind chilled me to the bone. Dead leafs flew past us causing a rustling noise. Other than that, it was silent outside. I glanced back at Blake who was looked around. I swallowed a large lump that had been building up in my throat for the past few hours. I took a shaky breath.
        "Okay, so we're going to the White House...and we just walk right in?" whispered Crystal. Mac glanced back at her.
        "You heard-Blake right? Yea, he said that anyone anywhere near there would already be infected. I don't think getting into the White House will be a problem." Mac replies quietly. We started walking down the street, keeping a look out for any infected people. So far everything was going well.
        "I don't like this." said Aqua. Her eyes were wide and I noticed how bad she was shaking. I took her hand and squeezed.
        "It's okay." I replied. I fixed my eyes forward and kept walking, but I poured on a bit more speed.
        "This is like one of those stupid zombie movies I was never allowed to watch." hissed Aqua. I grinned down at her and nodded. "I feel ya." I said. Crystal kept looking over at Wilt with a worried expression on her face. Suddenly a growling sound filled our ears. I let go of Aqua's hand and looked around, waiting for an infected to jump out and attack.
        "Sorry, that was my stomach." Aqua blushed, her face turned bright red. I sucked in a deep breath and put a hand to my chest.
        "God, Aqua! You scared the living crap out of me." hissed Crystal. Mac was grinning, but I could tell she was freaked out.
        "Can we please eat something, I know we're on a mission and all, but gosh, I could eat one of you guys." Aqua said. Crystal looked around and said, "Aqua, the world is ending, I don't think McDonalds is open." Crystal pointed over to the closed McDonalds on the corner of the block. Wilt rolled her eyes.
        "It doesn't have to be open if we want to get in." Wilt knelt down and picked up a rock. Then she threw it, hard, and the glass doors shattered. Wilt walked over and crawled into the McDonalds. I looked over at Mac and shrugged. That works, too.

We searched the place just to make sure no one else was in there. There were a few dead bodies, nothing unexpected. We walked over them and into the kitchen. There were some fries left out-no doubt they were stale and gross, but we were hungry. We searched the place and came up with some fries, a couple nasty hamburgers and even a few milkshakes. What a feast.
        "You know what I could go for right now?" said Mac. We looked over at her. Our feet were up, rested on the tables.
        "What's that?" said Crystal in-between bites of her burger.
        "A big bowl of spaghetti." said Mac, throwing her hands up. Aqua snickered.
        "Yea, you live your dream." Aqua pointed at Mac who flashed one of her famous half smiles. "You know what else I want?" said Mac. "Some powers." she joked. "I mean, now would be a good time to have some." Mac looked over at us. "That's why I'm glad I have you, crap balls." Mac laughed, but I could tell she meant it. I smiled, but then remembered that Mac would soon be sacrificing herself for us, too.
        "Mac." I said. "Please don't come, please go back to Blake and stay safe." Mac shook her head. "No, Mac. You can't come. You'll die and I-I can't lose you again." I whispered. Wilt looked out the window. "Please, go back." Mac opened her mouth to say something but she closed it tightly.
        "I'm going. It's final. I'll be fine, Cashmere. You'll see." she replied. I looked down at the stale french fries, tears welling up in my eyes.
        "We have to go now." said Aqua, pointing out at the sun that was slowly starting to set. I clenched my jaw tightly together and stood.
        "Fine." I muttered. "Let's go."

It became dark just as we reached the White House. I kept glancing over at Mac, expecting her to suddenly fall to the ground, dead. But so far she seemed to be alright.
        "It's so white." whispered Crystal as she looked up at the White House. I rolled my eyes.
        "Really, that's strange. Oh wait, maybe that's why they call it the White House." I fold my arms over my chest.
        "Oh shut up." snorted Crystal. Aqua laughed nervously, a seriously delayed reaction.
        "Do you think Obama may be secretly in charge of this whole thing?" Crystal joked. Wilt huffed.
        "That's always a possibility." Wilt shot me a sly grin which probably meant to be sincere, but she looked like the devil. I looked away quickly.
A silence settled over us, but it wasn't awkward like it normally was. This time is was more powerful. Like we all sensed what was coming.
        "Here it goes." I said.
        "Yea, the generator's inside." Crystal added.
        "We just have to shut it down." Aqua continued.
        "And kick some serious butt along the way." Wilt said in her gravely voice.

So the five of us entered the White House to save the world. Even if it means we die trying.

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