Chapter 80: Aqua

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We all spun around to face the mysterious voice. Cashmere flinched when I coughed.
        "Calm down, it's just me." he said, stepping from the dark light and into the room.

Dr. Shep.

        "Before you do anything stupid, just hear me out." Dr. Shep said.

Phhh, as if that was going to stop us.
We all ran towards him, hands outstretched to break his neck. But suddenly, Dr. Shep pulled out a remote and pressed a button. The generator's power surged and we collapsed to the ground. A blinding pain shot through me as I convulsed on the floor. My eyes rolled back in my head as I tried to get air to reach my lungs, gasping like a fish out of water. Dr. Shep clucked his tongue and pressed another button. The pain slowly subsided and I scrambled to my feet, swaying from the dizziness. My breathing was still ragged and I had a horrifying headache, but I would manage.
        "What the heck was that?" Mac choked out. Dr. Shep smiled and pointed to the room that we could oversee through the wide window.
        "The generator." he said. I glanced over at Wilt who looked steamed. I wiped spit from the side of my mouth and closed my eyes.
The pain does not control you. I reminded myself. I took a deep breath.
        "How are you still alive?" Crystal asked the question that was in all of our minds.
        "Yea, how many times am I going to have to kill you?" sneered Wilt. Dr. Shep's smile didn't fault, but he did look a bit flustered.
        "I have a huge science lab, dears. You don't think they couldn't bring me back to life?" Dr. Shep scoffed at us. I flashed a nervous look at Cashmere.
        "You don't deserve life." she said, her eyes locked on Dr. Shep's.
        "Neither do you." he fired back.
        "Oh okay, and what is that supposed to mean?" Crystal asked in an irritated tone.
        "Your hands are just as bloody as mine." he grinned. Only then did it truly hit me. How many people I had killed. They had to have had children, wives, a life of their own. But I took that away from them so selfishly. But then I remembered the millions of people Dr. Shep killed himself.
        "You have nothing on us." I said, voice shaking. "Plus, we're on the good side." I cleared my throat.
        "Oh, and what side is that?" Dr. Shep smiled. That's it. I kicked him in the gut and placed my hand on his forehead. Only sputters of water shot out. I pulled my hand away. Dr. Shep smiled.
        "Your fighting it." Dr. Shep purred. "Your powers are weakening." Mac huffed.
        "Not mine." she growled and drew her fist back, then punched him square in the face. She shook out her hand and winced. I high five Mac and watched as shock registered on his face. That was one of the most satisfying thing I have done in my entire life.
        "You're coming with us, we're turning you in, you freak." said Cashmere.
        "Sorry, I was just dropping in to say hello, I have places to be-a certain closet to visit." Dr. Shep held up the remote and pressed a button that said:
With that, he and the generator disappeared.
        "Dang it!" Wilt screamed. I ran my fingers through my hair.
        "Ugh! The generator could be bloody anywhere!" Crystal shouted. I really felt like punching a wall like boys do whenever their upset, but I feel like that would really hurt.
        "Wait." Wilt said. "A certain closet to visit?" Her face lit up. "He's going back to that hospital where we first met for the first time, the one where we locked him in that closet." said Wilt. Crystal snapped her fingers.
        "The one in PA?" she asked. Wilt nodded.      
        "Of course! You're a genius." said Mac. Wilt looked away.
        "Duh, way to state the obvious."

I was so confused. I had so many questions but no one to answer them. I mean, why would Dr. Shep tell us where the generator is? Did he want to kill us, was it a trap, or was he so messed up that he loves torturing us like that. For some reason I feel like all of those are true.
        So we stole a car, Mac got it to work, somehow, and we all voted her to drive. Last time I drove, we crashed and ended up in a hospital. Yea, not so fun. We decided that we should save our energy because I felt it in my bones that this was it, we were going to defeat the generator. Finally, Mac broke the deafening silence.
        "So how did you get your powers?" Mac asked.
        "Well, I think Dr. Shep said something about our grandmothers being friends and they found the powers in a" said Wilt. "Crystal, didn't you have a vision of that when our hands touched?" Wilt whispered. We all looked at each other.
        "What would happen if we all did it?" Cashmere asked.
        "Let's try." I said.
        "Oh, of course, that seems totally safe." I heard Mac whisper right before we pressed our hands together.

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