Chapter 83: Crystal

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I caught Wilt before she hit the ground. She had completely zoned out, then closed her eyes and fell backwards. A few seconds later, her eyes flew open, full of fear.
        "Wilt!" I cried, helping her stand. She leaned against me for support. She looked pale and very scared. "What happened?" I demanded an answer.
        "I-I don't know. J-just tired I guess." I could tell she was lying, but she gave me a look that said, not now.  nodded and sat her in a wheelchair that was sitting against the far wall.
        "What's going on?" Mac asked. I couldn't help glaring at her. I mean, don't get me wrong, Mac is awesome. She came to save my life and everything which was cool, but she claims she's sisters with my best friend and tries to pretend they have all this stuff in common and acts like they're so close. Not cool. Not. Cool. At. All. I'm not jealous at all.

Anyway, Wilt just shook her head and told us she was tired. Mac believed her and I had to stifle a laugh. I could tell that even Cashmere and Aqua knew Wilt was lying. Ha! Some sister.
Sorry, I get so worked up about it. It's just...never mind.

A lady walked past and dropped a heap of papers that went flying everywhere. One landed at my feet and I was able to catch a glimpse of what it said before she snatched it away:
Software Relocation: Poland
Software Relocation: Egypt
Software Relocation: Washington D.C.
Software Relocation: Pennsylvania

It was here. The generator really was here! I had realized those were obviously the places the generator had taken little trips to.My eyes widened because I knew this lady worked for Dr. Shep. She worked for the man who tortured us and killed Cryptic. The man that deserved to die. The woman took one look at my face and ran.
        "Stop her! She's working for Dr. Shep!" I shouted at my friends. We ran after her, but when we turned left into a hall, she was gone.
        "Come one, this way!" They followed me to the end of the hall, but it was a dead end. When we turned around, she was right there...holding a gun pointed right at my head. Wonderful.
        "Die." she hissed. Her voice sounded twisted, nonhuman. It was similar to the sound of a chicken with a cold. That's when I noticed a red mar on her neck, slowly crawling up her chin.
        "You have the virus." I blurted out. She looked at me and scratched her neck, it was clearly bothering her.
        "I'm not gone yet." she choked out. "Which is why I have to do this. I must die a hero."
        "Sorry to burst your bubble, but actually you'll die a monster." Aqua informed her. I willed ice to shoot up. It did and knocked the gun from her hand. She screamed and stared at the ice in horror. That never gets old. Never. Then she started laughing. I looked over at Wilt who shrugged.
        "That was empty, this is what I was really going to use." She pulled a dagger from her pocket and stared at the deadly tip.
        "Well, we're immune to the virus so...ha!" said Cashmere. My eyes widened. Not the right thing to say, Cashmere, not the right thing to say. Cashmere gulped as the virus infected woman glared at her. The redness on her chin had spread up to her nose.
        "Let's end this." she said. I nodded. "Lets." She charged at me and I threw a punch. She ducked and went to stab me in the back but Mac tackled her to the ground and pushed her up against the wall. The woman struggled under Mac's strong grip but finally kicked Mac in the gut and shoved Mac off of her. Mac went flying back and fell backwards.Wilt shot her deadly powers at the woman who scrambled backwards, I didn't know what would happen if the power touched the woman but I sure as heck didn't want to find out. The woman turned and grabbed Aqua, holding the knife to her throat. Aqua rolled her eyes.
        "Why is it always me? Honestly, do I have a sign on me anywhere that says, Hi, please use me to be the one you threaten?" said Aqua before she jerked her elbow backwards. It made contact with her neck and she released Aqua and fell to the floor, choking, trying to catch her breath. We all stared at her, everyone watching at the the virus over came her and she started to jerk around. When her eyes opened, they were blood red. Wilt put her hand on the woman's forehead, probably going to kill her, but the woman grabbed her hand and pulled her back, the virus running through her veins. We all screamed and scrambled backwards. The woman lunged at me. She me to the ground with her hands wrapped around my neck. I gagged and clawed at her hands but she was too strong.
        "Say goodbye." I heard her say. My vision started to blur, which may have been because of tears.Suddenly, the lady erupted into ashes and fell on me. I sucked in deep breaths and sat up. There I saw Wilt standing with her hand thrust out.
        "Goodbye." said Wilt.

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