You're dead...

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It was only a matter of time now until Gluttony attacked.

Mamoru was feeling confident, why wouldn't he? What's one Sin Archbishop going to do against him?

Mamoru knew that if he fought Petelgeuse one on one, then he would win in less then a minute, so why would this be any different?

Crusch and Rem seemed to be talking about something with smiling, but Mamoru couldn't careless as he was on guard against any attacks from Gluttony.

Rem: Mamoru-kun?

Mamoru:...H-Huh? What is it?

Rem: Nothing....It's just that you seem....Distracted.

Mamoru: Oh...Right....

Crusch seemed to be in thought a bit, before saying something to Mamoru.

Crusch:...You know, you were pretty boastful earlier about how strong you were, but you didn't do much in terms of damage against the White Whale.

Mamoru looked at Crusch and stuck his tongue out at her.

Mamoru: Hey, if you really need to know, then I was saving myself for later.

Crusch:....But, you didn't go with Natsuki Subaru to defeat Sloth.

Mamoru: Of course not, he doesn't need my help to defeat him. My job is to escort you two, for example....

Mamoru got up and started walking towards the front of the carriage, confusing the canditate and maid with him.

Mamoru: For example against that white haired man who is standing in the middle of the road-

Even to Mamoru's surprise, most of the carriages in the front got completely annihalated somehow by the white haired man on the road.

Crusch was frozen for a second, but she quickly regained her composure.

Crusch: Enemy attack!!

With her yell, all of the soldiers in the other carriages got their swords ready to fight, including Rem who prepared her morningstar for the upcoming battle.

Right now, the carriage they were on was heading straight for the white haired man.

As they got closer, Crusch yelled to run him over, but Mamoru already knew that was a bad idea, he saw what happened to the other carriages, after all.

So before she even finished the order, Mamoru used the Unseen hands to pick himself, Crusch and Rem up and out of harms way.

And that choice was for the better, since when Mamoru watched the carriage hit the white haired man, the carriage and the ones behind it were completely oblitarated, with body parts flying everywhere.

As they landed on the ground, Mamoru finally got a good look at Gluttony, and it wasn't what he expected.

The man looked fairly plan, with white hair with a white dress with golden markings on it, everything about the man seemed so average, like his body shape, height, etc. The only real part of him that made him stand out were his golden eyes.

Mamoru also didn't expect Gluttony to have this kind of power, but it didn't matter as Mamoru was still confident that he could win.

Then the man spoke.

???: I would like for you to stop that, saying stuff like running me over just because i'm standing there? That isn't something a decent human being would do.

Crusch: How dare you do that to my army? Who are you?

???: I see, I see...You don't know who I am, but I know who you are. You are one of the canditates to be chosen to rule this nation.

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