Delusional Love

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Third person P.O.V

Iris's right hand transformed into a giant, claw-like wooden hand and grabbed Regulus by the head. Then, with shocking amounts of strength for a girl as small as her she threw him far up into the air. Frustratingly, he kept holding onto Emilia without showing even a hint of wanting to let go.

Iris wasn't detrred though as she bent her knees and transformed her legs into a pair of larger and thicker wooden legs as she jumped high into the sky quickly reaching Regulus.

Raising her still massive right hand she slammed it down on Regulus as he was sent flying down into the buildings below. Despite him screaming on the top of his lungs, Iris doubted that he was actually hurt. Atleast if Mamoru's words were to be believed.

Iris: Hm...How oh how should Iris go about this unfortunate situation...

She spoke to herself as she put a finger om her chin as she adopted a thinking pose while closing her eyes.

However, realization quickly overwhelmed her as she opened her eyes and noticed that she was falling down to the ground at high speeds.


Iris: Huh. Iris didn't think this one throu--

Her body slammed into the ground as a large amount of dust was sent up in the air. Blocking anyone's from seeing what exactly had happened.

Subaru bit his lip as he watched Iris drop down at a dangerously high speed straight into the ground.

He personally hadn't interacted with Iris much in the months that she's joined Mamoru's group, mostly due to the fact that he couldn't really keep up a conversation with her. She wasn't exactly great at hiding the fact that she preferred to hang around the likes of Mamoru, Zuri, Garfiel or even Ram.

Although with Ram it always felt more like the oni was just exploiting the girl's kindness by asking her to do her chores because she was "tired".

Eitherway, he was naturally concerned with Iris's safety. She was one of Mamoru's actual friends after all and he was grateful that there was someone around to make Mamoru do things other than insulting Rem to her face every time they saw eachother.

It might have been classified as "banter" if Mamoru didn't throw a slur at her every time they talk...

Anyway, Subaru along with Beatrice watched with concern in their eyes as the dust began to settle and a large hole was revealed with a oval-like shape.

Confusion set in before Iris jumped out of the hole while dusting herself off from all of the dust.

Iris: Whew... That was a close one!

Iris obviously wasn't heavy enough to have made that kind of hole on impact, so she must have used her wood controlling abilities to somehow save herself from dying.

She turned her head towards Subaru and Beatrice with a questioning gaze.

Iris: Um, so hey... How should Iris beat this guy? I can't really think of anything, yeah?

Frankly, Subaru had no idea how to respond to that. Even if he knew what Iris's capabilities were, he has no idea what kind of power Regulus has.

There wasn't any chance to answer even if he knew the answer as Regulus spoke up.

Regulus: Hey now...I was just about to say something and yet you threw a punch at me? Not only that, but you then threw me down without even a shred of remorse? Do you have no shame, woman? You could clearly see that I was opening my mouth to speak, but you threw a punch at me anyway. That's clearly and quite obviously a violation to my right to freely express myself.

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