Conference Before The Raid

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Third person P.O.V

Subaru: H-Hold on Mamoru! Can't we sort through what we know before you do anything?

The white haired boy rolled his eyes and briefly stopped moving and turned to fact Subaru.

Mamoru: What's there to talk about?

Subaru: L-Like how strong Greed is and what his power is...?

It was frankly obvious that Subaru was just trying to stop Mamoru from going. In response, Mamoru rolled his eyes and spoke with a hint of annoyance.

Mamoru: Look, You heard Lust's broadcast, right? They have occupied some four water towers or whatever. That means that they're spread out.

Ferris: Mamoru. Those towers hold back mass amounts of water. If even one would be released then...

The cat boy didn't need to finish that statement. If the Witchcult wanted to, they could sink the Watergate City. If Mamoru were to just try and attack them directly, they could easily just decide to sink the whole city.

Even Mamoru was forced to consider this, as much as he hated it. He wanted nothing more than to get out there and fight the Witchcult...But in a way, this was a hostage situation. One where Mamoru couldn't simply solve it through pure violance alone.

Ferris: Worst of all... There are probably five archbishops here.

Subaru: Five...!?

Ferris uttered a hypothesis which was terrifying beyond Subaru's wildest imagination. What had happened, to give him such an idea?

Ferris sighed and straightened his finger at the subdued Subaru.

Ferris: Listen. Think of the broadcast, of what Lust said. This city has four water gates, right?

Subaru: Ah, right, they'd seized them, which means that they could be planning to sink the city... so, that's a very dangerous situation....

Ferris: And there's the possibility of an archbishop occupying each... Already, there are three archbishops gathered in one place, which is completely unprecedented. So the worst of worst situation comes to mind... there are even more archbishops here.

Subaru: Four... tch.

Speaking the number out loud, Subaru finally understood what Ferris wanted to say.

There were four water gates, north, south, east, and west, which ran the city of Pristella. Occupying all of them implied that there were five Sin Archbishops when you also add the City Hall into the mix.

Mamoru: No...No matter how prepared they were, I doubt they saw the death of Wrath coming. Even if they have captured all four towers, atleast one of them is bound to only be occupied by your no name, average cultists.

Now that directly striking at the Witchcult held the possibility of the city being sunk, Mamoru was forced to take part in the discussion.

In any case, that was the only realistic and major positive in this situation. The death of Wrath should be a major blow to the Witchcult.

Subaru: Aside from the square I was in, has there been any other commotion? Have there been any other attacks?


If this were an offense by the Witch Cult, it would be difficult to imagine that they would only target a single location. Subaru could only pray that his worst fears of Casualties wouldn't become a reality.

Absentmindedly, Ferris cast his gaze downward, falling silent. Ricardo gave a cough, a set of sharp teeth visible on the beastman's large face.

Ricardo: Honestly, the only situation we know is our own. We don't even know where the other shelters are, so it's in our best interest to stay here.

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