Unexpected Reunion

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Third person P.O.V

Beatrice, Subaru and Iris all felt a certain level of concern for Mamoru as they walked through the city. He looked completely out of it, luckly never bumping into anyone out of sheer luck. And even if he almost did, he never acknowledged it. Not because he was acting like a jerk, but just because he quite literally wasn't even noticing such things happening around him.

Neither Garfiel or Emilia noticed as they were either too busy with their own thoughts or in Garfiel's case just oblivious.

Meanwhile Subaru, Beatrice and Iris know Mamoru quite well. Subaru being his father, Beatrice being his sister and Iris being one of the people closest to him that aren't family.

Simply put, his behaviour is so out of character that even someone like Iris would notice it.

No one said anything though as Beatrice and Subaru discussed the fact that the cloaked man from before was able to see Emilia's hair color despite the cognitive obstruction cloak.

Garfiel: Hurry up, Captain. If ya g’slow’s Beatrice then’d be sundown by’time we get back.

Beatrice: Stop saying unnecessary things, I suppose. Smelly, annoying creature.

Garfiel turned back at them and was laughing happily in response to Beatrice’s rude insults.

Suddenly, his expression changed. His ears moved back and forth, and his nose twitched.

Subaru: What’s wrong?

Garfiel: Nah’s just, near t’hotel… c’sorta hear’n argument.

They turned the corner as Garfiel finished talking and Subaru also heard the commotion. Indeed, it sounded like someone was furious.

Mamoru: Looks like it might turn into a fight.... bloody hell, don't they know that they're distrubing the people around them?

Even Mamoru who was barely paying any attention had given his own comment on the situation.

Subaru: That is exactly something you would do though.

To Subaru's surprise, Mamoru ignored the comment, or at the very least didn't  even properly hear it as the same, somewhat gloomy attitude remained.

Emilia: That voice, it sounds really familiar… actually, I think that’s Joshua’s voice.

Subaru: Ah, you’re right. That does sound like the voice of that weak bastard.

Emilia: I’d be worried if he was in trouble. Let’s go.

Subaru raced after Emilia. Turning another corner, he could finally can see the Water Plumage Pavilion, where--

???: Alright asshole, how many times are you going to make may say this!? Stop being stuck up and call your master here already!

Joshua: You’re so barbaric that I wouldn’t even call my brother here, much less my master! Please leave while I’m still capable of speaking calmly!

???: Can you really not understand what I’m saying, oi? Let’s go, bastard!

A young man with purple hair--Joshua stood with his arms spread in front of the hotel, quarrelling with another man. Although he was facing away from Subaru, his physique was clearly quite burly. Judging from his attitude, a brawl with Joshua would be inevitable.

Emilia: That’s enough!

In the time it took Subaru to judge the two men’s difference in combat prowess, Emilia had already rushed over and separated them. Having been jerked away, Joshua wore an expression of abject shock.

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