Mamoru finds a bottle

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Subaru: So, just to be sure, you didn't kidnap her, right?

Mamoru: Of course I didn't. Why would you think that?

Subaru held a dead-pan expression on his face as he heard Mamoru's words of denial. He wasn't even sure if Mamoru actually didn't even remember kidnapping Zuri or if he's just trying to mess with him.

Subaru: And you did ask her parents, right? Since she doesn't look even look 18.

Mamoru: Obviously! Wait...Why 18?

Subaru: What do you mean why? That's the age that you become an adult.

He said it as a matter of fact statement. However Mamoru countered that claim.

Mamoru: I don't think that applies in this world though, Felt said that she was an adult, but that she was 15.

Subaru: That's just her wanting to be a grown up, no one in their right mind would think that that's okay.

The white haired Mabeast's eyebrow twitched as he said something to himself so quietly that only he himself could hear them.

Mamoru: Indirectly calling me insane now?

Not even bothering to respond Subaru turned back to look at the sight of Iris trying to transform into her Mabeast form by doing weird dances...and failing to such a degree that if this was school, she'd somehow score under 0 points.

Subaru: Can't you just use your Mabeast control thingy to transform her? Seems a lot simpler than this, you did that with Zuri, after all.

Mamoru: That is very much true.

.......Subaru waited for him to explain, but that explaination never came.

Subaru: So...Why aren't you transforming her already?

Suddenly, a mocking grin formed on Mamoru's face as he chuckled to himself.

Mamoru: But this is fu-fricking hilarious, isn't it?

Before Subaru could respond, a familiar voice was heard from behind the duo.

Otto: Not really, seems more cruel to me.

The white haired Mabeast merely snorted in response as he lazily pointed his finger at the former merchant.

Mamoru: You only say that because you're usually on the receiving end of this kind of stuff.

Surprisingly enough Otto didn't have any kind of special reaction to that comment as he confidently turned to face Subaru.

Otto: I would disagree, isn't that right, Natsuki-san?

Subaru on the other hand was looking away with his hand over his mouth as he was trying to hold back a couple of chuckles.



Oh, there he is, good ol' Otto is back. Mamoru had to admit that he missed him for the 5 seconds that he held any form of confidence in himself. Seriously the term confidence and Otto don't mix together, atleast Mamoru thinks so.

He turned back back to Iris as he had heard a small yelp coming from her direction-

Oh my god, he had turned back to look at her at the perfect moment as she fell to the ground face first.

Everything was silent for a moment as Subaru and Otto noticed it too and went conpletely silent. That is until after a couple of seconds Mamoru burst out laughing.

Mamoru: Pf-HAHAHA! HOLY- pfff! D-Did you see her eat a-absolute shit there?!

He laughed to himself as Otto and Subaru were completely silent, they were even sweating a little as they saw what was coming towards Mamoru.

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