Beginning of Arc 5

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Third-Person P.O.V

Petra left quickly while informing them that she would go fetch Subaru for the visit of the mysterious guest.

Mamoru and Zuri walked slowly through the hallways of the new mansion, conversing with one another.

Zuri: Was it really a good idea to leave Yukiko with Iris?

Mamoru: What? I'm pretty sure that Yukiko would grow rather bored without some company. Also, you really want to leave a nearly blind person alone?

Zuri:...I'm not worried about Yukiko being alone. I'm worried about leaving Iris alone.

The red eyed Mabeast snickered quietly to himself when she finished speaking.

Mamoru: It'll be fine, I don't mind cleaning up after her if she breaks something.

Zuri nodded absent-mindedly as she glanced out of one of the many mansion windows, noticing the carriage outside, most likely the one their visitor used. Based on it's appearance, it was certainly not a cheap expense on whoever bought it, meaning that it was most likely the kind used by nobles.

Zuri: Who do you think the visitor may be?

Mamoru: Important enough that I needed to be there for some reason.

They noticed Garfiel standing next to one of the mansion doors, it was fair to assume that that was the door where the visitor currently was.

Garfiel noticed them after a couple of seconds and waved at them.

Garfiel: There yer are, lil' Captain. Yer took even longer than Captain somehow.

Mamoru: You should have left looking for us while only leaving Otto to stay with the visitor. Can you imagine the look on his face?

Garfiel: Hah! That's exactly what Captain said too! Yer sure are his kid alright!

He jerks his chin, his arms crossed, apparently keeping himself posted at the door.

Garfiel: Get in here. Th’guest’s sayin’ y’gotta be here if we’re gonna talk. For some reason the Captain wasn't enough.

Both Mamoru and Zuri nodded, for whatever reason the guest wanted both Mamoru and Subaru to be there, why? That was a question on both of the Mabeasts minds.

Right as Mamoru was about to open the door and enter, he could hear his dad's voice from the inside.

Subaru: Mimi’s right, she’s the child of myself and Emilia-sama.

He froze for about a second before he inhaled and raised his leg into the air slowly.

Zuri:....Please don't-

With a single kick he kicked open the door with enough force to almost rip it off of it's hinges.

Mamoru: Fucking....WHAT?!

Mamoru looked around the room like a predator looking for it's prey, though that look turned into one of confusion as Mamoru couldn't find the person he was looking for.

Taking a moment to look at the faces in the room, he could see Emilia, Otto, Subaru, Beatrice, Mimi and a new face that gave off the same punchable vibe that Julius gave him.

Emilia: Geez. No she’s not, Subaru. Look at how you shocked Mamoru. I know we kissed but you can’t make babies by kissing. I’ve been studying.

Mamoru gave a small, non-existant glare at Emilia when she mentioned kissing Subaru before staring his father in the eye.

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