Cult Broadcast

224 10 4

Mamoru P.O.V

I ignored the abundant mass of blood stains on my clothes as I prepared to jump off of the massive city wall that I was standing on. I had thought about taking Sirius's body with me, but that can be saved for later. This wasn't the time for throphies, after all.

A loud noise reached my ears as I stopped myself from jumping. Staring in the direction of the noise, I saw two massive wooden arms that had come up from the ground and were currently racing upwards. Then, the hands came together, for whatever reason.

I already knew who the responsible one for this is. It was obviously Iris as I don't believe there exist any other people that can manipulate wood in such a manner.

The main question was why? Was she fighting someone?

Regulus should still be near the western side of the city... Unless he changed direction...

Or maybe a different Archbishop? Maybe not even a Witchcultist? I sincerely hoped for the latter, I wouldn't want Iris to actually be forced to face off against those maniacs.


Those hand are in the exact same location that Subaru was at...

Shit, he's there, isn't he?

Jumping down, I used the Unseen Hands to essentially fly towards their location. At this speed, I should be there within a minu--

I forced my head to move to the side as a knife brushed past my head. Glancing to my left, I saw a cultist jumped up and had attempted to stab me through the skull.

Due to the attempt, I wasn't paying attention as both me and the cultist slammed into a nearby stone tower. Just my fucking luck.

Right as we both started falling, I quickly dug my fingers into the stone surface of the tower to stop myself from falling down. Then, I used my left hand to grab the cultist by his hood.

Thanks to me catching him in such a manner, I had accidentally pulled back the cultist's hood, which revealed his face.

He was staring straight at me, a pair of dead eyes acompanied by a wrinkeled face of an old man. There was no expression to be found, despite dangling a dangerous distance away from the ground.

.....I hate to admit it, but Puck was right.

I let go as the cultist's body fell down and splattered onto the ground below.

I ignored the sudden screams that came from down below, there were still people down there and as far as they knew, someone had just falled down from this tower.

Giving a passing glance to the now dead cultist, I couldn't hold back a certain remark from exiting my mouth.

Mamoru: Death really isn't a punishment for you freaks.

Using the Unseen Hands as stairs to move to the other side of the tower, I saw a rather annoying sight.

Several Witchcultists were scattered across the rooftops infront of me... All of them heading in the direction of where Subaru is...

Yeah. That isn't going to fucking happen.

Once again digging my fingers into the surface of the tower, I put my feet against the wall and took a deep breath...

And launched forward, straight towards the closest cultist.

I didn't bother grabbing him, punching him or any of those sorts of strikes. No, I didn't have time for that. Instead of wasting time and energy on those things I just did one simple thing.

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