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T h e I m p o r t a n c e
O f P a t i e n c e

Today was my last interview with the talent agents as I was now about to end it with the ETU Agency. It was hard to describe how I felt from my previous interview on yesterday and the one from earlier this afternoon. I couldn't tell how AMB Agency, Inc talent agency felt about me as I kept the talent agent engaged from start to finish. However, you could never tell how they actually felt. I let out a deep breath, opening the door to the building.

It was as busy and huge as the other agencies however this one seemed to have more people's of color. From the people that walked in the lobby, to the people making their way around the building and to the people who were the receptionists. I spotted a Latina, a African-American woman and Asian woman making phone calls.

So it showed that they were diverse and welcomed people of any kind. The lines were full as the Black and Asian receptionist's line was the longest. I stood in the line for the Latina lady, seeing the people soon start to disperse.

"Good afternoon, welcome to ETU Agency," She greeted, sounding cheerful and professional as ever. "How can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm here for a meeting," I answered, holding my portfolio in my hand as I stared at her name tag that read Mia. "With the talent agent named Clayton Henderson."

Mia immediately typed up his name on her computer, staring at her computer screen as she scrolled down the list.

"Can I have your name please, Miss?"

"Sorry, It's Breanna Davidson,"

"Breanna Davidson," She repeated, searching my name for the computer as she looked at the screen. "Okay, it says you are here for a talent agency meeting with Clayton Henderson at four. I'll make sure to let him know that you are here. It'll be a while since he's in a meeting now."

"That's okay, I'll wait," I told her, walking to the waiting area. I checked out the people waiting until I pulled out my cellphone, reading over the new text messages that I had.

"Breanna Davidson?!"

I looked up, seeing a very familiar looking face. The burgundy colored hair stuck out very much as I tried to recall the reason why she looked familiar.


"It's Savanna Shepherd," She confirmed, taking a seat next to me. "We sat next to each offer during the readings for the acting class of Ms. Livingston?"

"W-wow, hey, I do remember you!" I replied, sitting my phone in my lap as I looked at her. "We were supposed to meet up but I'm not going to lie to you but I've been busy and forgot,"

"I completely understand that because that's how it is in Hollywood," She grinned, waving it off. "Everyone is busy with trying to build themselves a career. We're all trying to make it so I get it,"

To see a familiar face in the talent agency made me feel a little better.

"Exactly!" I nodded, agreeing with her statement completely. "So, how's it going for you?"

"You remember me telling you that I had two jobs?"

I nodded my head, thinking about our talk.

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