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Johnathan Strong above


S u n d a y s A r e

F u n D a y s

Sunday morning arrived, as I was exhausted from my long day yesterday, and I found myself smiling. The date went so well that I felt happy about the place that we were going in. We weren't dating exclusively yet, but we were dating each other, meaning we were spending time together doing different activities as friends while having a mutual interest in one another. I laid down in the bed with the covers wrapped around my body, placing a hand over my mouth because I felt a yawn coming on. Hearing a knock on the door caused me to sit up.

"Aye, Lil' bit, You up?" Terrell's deep and southern voice asked from behind the door. "We going to walk on the trail,"

Really? This early man.

"No, I'm sleeping!" I yelled, getting back comfortable underneath the covers.

"Come on, Breanna," Terrell begged. "Please, I'll buy you breakfast afterward,"

Free food? I was here for that.

"Fine, I'll take a shower and get dressed!" I shouted, tossing the covers off of me as I stepped out and heard chuckling from behind the door as I smiled, entering the bathroom to turn the shower on, and I proceeded into brushing my teeth and washing my face. Leaving out of the bathroom, I went into the room, taking my phone from off of the charger to check my phone for new text messages.

Malik: Good morning sunshine, yesterday I had a great day with you, and I hope to be able to do it again with you.

- sent 4 minutes ago.

I'm guessing that sunshine was now my new nickname from him as it made me feel some type of way as I decided to reply.

Me: Goodmorning handsome, I had a great time with you as well, and we'll have to spend more time together. I'll call you later!

Hitting send, I clicked on my playlist of R&B hits then set it on the granite countertops as I turned up the vocals of Beyoncé's song, Flaws and All blare throughout the bathroom as I stripped out of my clothes and stepped inside the water. The steam filled the air as I grabbed hold of my Cantu shampoo and poured some into my hand as I applied it to my hair. Shutting my eyes, I massaged it into my scalp and rinsed it out before repeating the steps until I used the leave-in conditioner.

Next, I proceeded into washing my skin thoroughly with my dove soap as I sang along to the songs that played from my phone. After fifteen minutes of showering, I rinsed myself and turned the water off before grabbing a big towel to wrap around my body along with a medium-sized towel around my head. I stepped out of the shower opening the door to enter the room as I dried myself, applied lotion to my body, and rubbed deodorant underneath my arms.

Once I completed that, I dressed in a long white tee, black sweats, white Nike socks, and a pair of black and white Nike Roshe One sneakers. I took my wallet out of my purse, placing it into the pocket of my sweats. Then, I brushed my hair into a high curly pineapple and rubbed petroleum jelly to my lips. Grabbing hold of my headphones, I took my phone out of the bathroom and inserted it into my pocket as I opened the door and walked out of the room.

"I had to bribe you with food to get you to walk with me," Terrell joked, taking two water stainless steel bottles from the kitchen counter and passed one to me that had cold water. "You ready to go?!"

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