034. ꕥ Anger

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My brother is threatening to kill Jasper.

My brother killed another person.

I felt betrayed, angry. I felt like I could shout at the top of my lungs and never stop. Like I needed to punch something to let my anger out. It was all bottled up inside, and I felt as though that bottle could crack at any moment.

Bellamy and I stood outside the Dropship long enough for daylight to break. I kept pacing back and forth, fiddling with the radio in my hand, waiting for something. What that something was, I couldn't tell you.

Not long before, Bellamy sent Raven to see if there was a loose panel at the bottom of the Dropship to look if we could get in that way. I was to go and help her if she came back successful.

I kept pacing back and forth with my jaw clenched as Bellamy continued to play with the ax in his hand. My eyes glanced from Bellamy's face to the ax in his hands. "Can — can I see that?" I gestured to the ax.

Bellamy soundlessly handed me the ax with the handle towards me. He gave me a skeptical look as I grabbed it. I turned to face away from him and more towards the outskirts of camp. I closed my eyes and took one long, deep breath. Releasing the breath, I spun the handle of the ax in my hands a few times before I pulled back, ready to launch it across camp, hopefully in a nearby tree. A few kids standing by ducked out of the way as I got ready to let go.

"Hey, hey!" Bellamy yelled, rushing towards me.
He put himself in front of me and grabbed my arm, preventing me from throwing the ax. Holding my hand, he took the ax out of it. His eyes went from the middle of camp to mine, and his eyes were soft before whispering, "You don't need to do that."

I let out a shaky sigh as Bellamy released his hold on me. "I'm sorry... This is my fault."

Bellamy's face turned puzzled. "What?"

I looked up to meet his eyes with a sorrowful expression. "I'm sorry. I was the one who convinced you to let John stay, and now he's holding Jasper hostage. It's my fault."

"I don't think this is your fault." His tone was now soft, and his demeanor calm. "Murphy is doing this, not you."

Taking a step back, I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't get the chance as I heard quick footsteps approaching. Turning my attention to the source of the sound, I saw Octavia sprinting to us.

"I just heard Murphy has Jasper." She breathed out.

"Yeah." Bellamy confirmed in a low voice. "South foxhole done?"

"What?" Octavia retorted, shocked at her brother's calmness. "Bellamy, my friend's in there with a killer."

"Octavia, we got this." I mumbled, moving to stand next to Bellamy.

"O, look around." Bellamy said, leaning closer to Octavia. "No one's working, if the Grounders attacked right now we're all dead."

Octavia let out a heavy breath before marching to the closed Dropship door with her fist clenched. "Murphy! Murphy, if you even touch Jasper I swear to god you're dead!"

Bellamy and I made eye contact for a moment. We both knew we shouldn't provoke John and push him to do anything even more stupid.

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