064. ꕥ One Last Night

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Jaha had been looking at Wells' grave long enough for it to turn dark. I get it; the man wants to say goodbye... but it's getting so freaking cold out. I was shivering at this point, even with my jacket on. My brother and I stood a good few feet away from Jaha, trying to give him his privacy.

John started walking up to where Jaha was kneeling next to Wells' grave. I trailed after him with my arms crossed.

"You about done?" My brother questioned, and I could tell he was trying to be as polite as possible. "We gotta be heading back."

Jaha ignored what John said. "How well did you know him?"

I didn't know what to say to that, but John apparently did. "We'll enough to be hung for his murder." My stomach contorted, remembering that day. When Jaha looked up to John in confusion, he jabbed his thumb in my direction and said, "My sister, here, sugarcoated it."

Jaha's eyes flickered in my direction before going back to John slowly stood up while asking, "What happened to my son?"

"He—" I started speaking but was cut off by John.

He definitely didn't sugarcoat it. "A twelve-year-old girl stabbed him in the neck with a knife she took from me."

Jaha seemed taken back by this revelation. "Why would she do that?"

"She couldn't kill you." John said as if the answer was obvious — well, to us, I guess it was. "Yeah. So you got a lot of blood on your hands, Chancellor. And everyone single one of them, including your son, would still be alive if you hadn't sent us down here."

Jaha's voice was shaking as he stepped closer to us. "If I didn't send you, they would've died in the Ark with the rest of us. And we would've never known that Earth was survivable." Both John and I shook our heads and his words. "Their sacrifice is why we are here."

"Sacrifice. Is that what you think this is?" I questioned. "They didn't get a choice if they wanted to be sacrificed. You chose for them, and they died because of it."

"It is sacrifice." Jaha stated before looking back at John. "Good can come out if even the darkest acts, John."

John didn't react to what Jaha had said; he barely even moved. My eyes followed the man as we walked away from Wells' grave and further down the graveyard.

John pointed in the opposite direction. "Camp "you" is that way."

If it wasn't mentioned before, the camp we had set up around Alpha Station was called Camp Jaha. Who named it that? I have no clue. I'd just been choosing to ignore the fact that the camp was named after Jaha.

"We'll rest at the Dropship for a while." Jaha explained before going through where the gate used to be.

I let out a loud sigh and looked at my brother. "This 'ought to be fun."

"Can't you see?" John asked jokingly. "I'm just beaming with excitement."


The position I was in was all too familiar to me.

That position was laying down in the Dropship pretty much the exact same way I was after the Grounder war. Luckily this time, I wasn't slowly bleeding to death.

My back was against a crate that was in the Dropship. I was pretty sure it was the same one I leaned against before. John was on my right; we were shoulder to shoulder sitting there. Jaha sat in front of us with his back against the wall, eating rations he had in his pack. It was almost entirely silent in the Dropship. The faint noises of the woods could be heard outside, and it was the only thing that kept my mind from worrying about Bellamy.

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