The Beast Below

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{"Well, that's disgusting

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{"Well, that's disgusting."}

Fay and I had moved to go change, our outfits had become ruined and nasty. Fay had decided to change into a plaid shirt and jeans with adorable white and black converse much like her father's previous self. She had been so ecstatic, the moment she put them an she had taken off to show her father. My wardrobe was more of a challenge, I now stood in jeans and a bra, knowing sexy wouldn't let anyone other than Theta in if he came by. My shirt decision seemed to be a bit of an issue, this version as well wasn't really into the original design of dresses. I actually think I hated them even more in this body than my last. Letting out a sigh, I couldn't help but frown as I thought of the images that had soon faded as quickly as they appeared when I touched the crack. Amelia would be a problem, but what came after her would be worse. My eyes moved towards a red shirt with a soft grey jacket. Guess this would do for now, my shoes where black combat boots. Always better to be prepared than not, especially with all the running we would no doubt be doing.

When I ended up back in the console room, Amelia is floating in space, with Theta holding on to her ankle from the open door of the Tardis. Fay was wondering behind them, her body moving around in her own excitement. I couldn't tell what she was thinking but it made my hearts soar at the sight of my beautiful daughter being so happy. "Come on, Pond." My eyes moved over to Theta who was already looking at me as he pulled Amelia inside. His eyes dark, but it wasn't because he was mad. He moved over to grab me by the waist, "You look beautiful, my love." I let out a small laugh as I shook my head. I looked like I was gonna be chilling in the house all day. Fay soon bounced over to us, "Momma, Dad said he liked my shoes!" I smiled brightly as I pulled away from Theta causing him to pout. I quickly picked up Fay, "Really? I like them too." I told her, giving her a kiss on her head. My eyes moved towards Amelia who was watching the scene before her with a frown. "Now do you believe me?" Theta asked as he noticed her look, trying to change the subject.

"Okay, your box is a spaceship. It's really, really a spaceship. We are in space! What are we breathing?" Amelia asked a she turned back to the door, her eyes widening in wonder at the admittedly beautiful sight. "I've extended the air shell. We're fine." We are above the city in space. "Now that's interesting. Twenty ninth century. Solar flares roast the earth, and the entire human race packs its bags and moves out till the weather improves. Whole nations." Theta runs back to the console and the doors close. Fay started to laugh as she watched her father, "Doctor?" Amelia called faintly, "Migrating to the stars." Theta continued on his ramble, not listening.
"Doctor?" I sighed as I moved back towards the door. "Isn't that amazing?"

"Doctor!" He has shut her outside, I opened the door as she yelled out on last time. Theta rolled his eyes with a groan as I pulled her inside, she seemed surprised that I had helped her.  I may not like her right now, but I'm not a monster. "Well, come on. I've found us a spaceship. This is the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland. All of it, bolted together and floating in the sky. Starship UK. It's Britain, but metal. That's not just a ship, that's an idea. That's a whole country, living and laughing and shopping. Searching the stars for a new home." Theta picked Fay up and spun her around in excitement. "Can we go out and see?" Amelia asked, cocking her to the side in question. "Course we can. But first, there's a thing." Theta stated as he set Fay down on the console.

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