Chapter 87

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Jungkook quietly spoke the name of the other person who had fallen asleep.

There was no answer, but that alone was enough.

Only then did he know what patience he had been having.

And where did that sensation like thirst come from?

Red hair flowed gently down the crevice of his finger.

Jungkook grasped it firmly so that it wouldn't get out and kissed it again.

He laughed.

It was this, what he was craving for.

The word family became a hard shackle, suppressed, endured, and ignored unconsciously.

A proud satisfaction rose and filled his chest.

Joy and peace came at the same time as a man who finally found what he had long hoped for.

Memories came to mind, and then he realized.

Jungkook no longer had the intention of denying this feeling, nor did he have the will to endure it.

'Hi, Jungkook.'

A long time ago.

At one distant moment, there was a woman who invaded Jungkook's world.

And as time went by, the woman naturally became his world, as was originally set.

The sun shone through the crack in the carriage window.

The tightly closed eyelids flinched for a moment as if the sun were on edge and then calmed down again.

Jungkook laughed as he caught the scene in his eyes.

He smiled so softly that he wondered if he knew it.

* * *

I had a dream.

As intended, I escaped from the mansion and ran away desperately, but in the end, it was a dream of being caught by Jungkook on the way without much going.

Even the secret of birth was revealed in the process.

But from the next time, the development of the dream was somewhat strange.

Jungkook knew the secret of my birth and didn't kill me.

Far from that, he looked at me with a more affectionate eye and embraced me with a tender touch.

Then in a soft voice, he whispered to me, "Get some rest," and I fell asleep just like that........


I opened my eyes.

A familiar ceiling was seen.

And right after that, I could hear a familiar voice.



I blinked my eyes and soon got up.

I felt dizzy for a moment because I suddenly moved, but it got better.

'This is......'

It's my room.

I opened my eyes in my bed.

I looked around.

Bessie wasn't the only one keeping her place.

"Alex, butler...... Sir Davery."

After checking out the faces that added to my subtle guilt, I looked at Bessie again.

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