Tag | 6

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She couldn't have been out in the halls for more than three hours, yet Jiyeon already felt the extreme exhaustion take a toll on her. Her feet had begun dragging across the floor as she looked around her.

She had managed to get the first tagger shaken off of her, leaving her alone in the dimly lit and quiet halls. Somewhere in the far distance she could hear light footsteps, which wasn't heavy enough for the boots she had noted the taggers wearing. 

All at once her breath hitched as a hand grabbed onto her wrist, pausing her in her steps. She closed her eyes tightly, muttering a small plea for it to be one of the girls.

"Tag, you're it," the deep voice made Jiyeon immediately crouch down to the floor as she felt the figure move over in front of her, "stand up."

Slowly Jiyeon placed her hands on her knees, pushing herself up to face the tagger. Once she finally looked up he held a dice between two fingers right in front of her face.

Spite took over as Jiyeon snatched the dice from the tagger and threw it along the floor, eventually letting it land with three eyes turned upwards.

"Three. Jumprope."

The man quickly got out a deck of cards, from which Jiyeon shakily grabbed a card. He then extended her another deck, from which she pulled a card too. 2 of Diamonds, 2 of spades.

"10 Caning hits or 24 hours of safe haven."

Immediately Jiyeon begged herself to win the game for the opportunity of a safe haven. As a bright white rope was extended to her, Jiyeon slowly took a few steps back and wrapped the rope around the palms of her hands, until it was the correct length for her.

"How many jumps?" Jiyeon questioned, realizing she didn't exactly know how she won the game she was to play. 

Through the small holes in teh white mask. Jiyeon could see the man looking her up and down. Her slightly bent knees gave her away immediately, she was exhausted.

"Ten," the man calmly replied and Jiyeon merely nodded in return.

She took another step backwards and clutched the rope tightly in her hands. Sucking in a deep breath she swung the rope in front of her. Her shoulders were aching just with one swing - she had not once used her arms since she got into the halls.

Setting off the ground in time she managed to jump over the rope. However, once her arms swung around for another jump over the rope and her feet hit the ground she was immediately hit by aches up her legs. It felt like they were burning - it must've been because of how swollen they were from her running and walking through the halls for hours on end.

Jiyeon barely managed to set off from the ground a second time before her knees buckled slightly, already setting her at an disadvantage for her next jump.

The rope whipped the ground in front of her once again. Her feet leapt off the ground, giving her a feeling of success for a splitsecond. It all shattered for her once her feet connected with the ground, and her knees gave up. 

She fell to the floor, tumbling sideways into the nearest wall before wincing at her knees. Once the tagger neared her once again she was quick to call out to him.

"No, no, no. Let me do it again, please!" Jiyeon quickly requested as she folded her hands in front of her, slightly unable to because of the rope wrapped around her hands, "please let me try again, this was just a practice game, right?"

Without a word the tagger ripped the rope out of Jiyeons grip, earning a small squeal from Jiyeon, whose hands got even more torn by the rope burning against her skin.

Continous pleads of trying once again kept escaping Jiyeon's mouth as the tagger easily managed to wrap her wrists with the rope, pulling them tightly together before he tied her to the nearest pipe.

"No, no, no. I beg you, please!" Jiyeon exclaimed and kept moving around on her feet, to make her a more difficult target.

Slowly getting frustrated with her constant stepping around the tagger immediately swung the cane towards Jiyeon's calves, sending her straight to her knees within second as a small yelp escaped her.

As the cane kept coming down onto Jiyeon's bare skin she would continously flinch away in pain, small whimpers escaping her every once in a while as she pleaded to have a second go at the game.

At some point her withering in pain had turned her to lean back against the wall, facing the tagger completely. The cane had hit her nine times, and as the tagger raised the cane one last time he fixed his grip around the cane.

Once the cane came into contact with the bareskin of Jiyeon's stomach - which was just revealed between her shorts and black tank top, she let out a blood curdling scream.

The hit was burning her skin, pulling blood out through the thin and sensitive skin that covered her stomach. After her scream had echoed out through the halls a small whimper escaped Jiyeon, tears streaming down face as the tagger cut her loose of the pipe.

Not caring one bit, the tagger simply walked off down the hallway, small remaints of the rope falling behind him as Jiyeon was left on the floor.

She clutched her stomach tightly, where she had been caned, slowly more and more trickles of blood escaped the burning area - the skin around it gradually turning redder and redder with the second.

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