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Millie kept her arms crossed over her chest as Sunghoon and Heeseung walked on each side of her.

"I'm sure Jake is fine," Heeseung spoke up making Millie turn around to look at Heeseung, the boy abruptly stopping in his tracks, "what?"

"Are you really of the impression that I am only worried about Jake?" Millie hissed, earning a confused look from Heeseung, "my best friend disappeared because she was apparently feeling sick and we haven't been able to find her. Not to mention that-"

Millie was abruptly interrupted by a bang echoing out through the hallways. Swinging back and forth between the many walls and travelling around the corners without any difficulty,

"What if that was her?" Millie murmured as she immediately turned to Sunghoon - who had to keep himself calm, even though he had the same worry as Millie.

"I'm sure it wasn't," Sunghoon murmured in assurance and ran his hand over Millie's hair, "Soomin is fine. So is Jake."

"Think of it like this. The faster we get out, the faster we can get ahold of authorities to go take care of this," Heeseung pointed out.

"Well, we have a map, but it's not like we know where on the map we are," Sunghoon remarked making Millie nod.

"Hold on..." Millie trailed off before turning to Heeseung, "you can read maps... you were interrested in maps at some point."

"Yeah... the maps were in the books I read when I was like... 14. They were imaginary worlds," Heeseung pointed out.

"So is this," Millie remarked only earning a frown from Heeseung, "this is like an imaginary world. We've been walking non-stop, for who knows how long and yet we rarely see the same place twice. Something is off about it. Hoon give me the map."

"Yes ma'am," Sunghoon murmured and rolled his eyes slightly at Millie's commanding tone, he immediately placed the map in Millie's hand.

Crouching down, Millie folded out the map and waved Heeseung down to her. 

"Now, tell me what you see. We planned on trying to find the depot room again and go from there, since that is more marked than the hallways," Millie remarked making Heeseung hum quietly and a frown grew on his face.

"That's a stupid plan," Heeseung murmured, getting a shocked look from Millie, who immediately raised her eyebrows, "the exit is all the way in the other end," Heeseung pointed out on the map, drawing his finger from one end of the map, where the depot room were and all the way to the other side, where the exit was, "no matter where we are on this map, we're closer to the exit than we would be in the depot room... what are these numbers?" Heeseung questioned and pointed to several places small numbers had been written.

"We don't know," Sunghoon shrugged calmly.

"It's the showcases... must be," Millie murmured in realization, "they have the right space between them, not too many on each hallway."

"So the showcases must be numbered," Heeseung agreed and quickly got to his feet, scrambling towards the nearest showcase.

"Is this something sibling telepathy I don't get?" Sunghoon questioned Millie, who glanced at him and gave him a shrug.

"He used to read detective novels to me when we were younger and we would deduct the solution," Millie excused as Heeseung called out a number to Millie.


"And that one over there?" she questioned and pointed to the showcase a bit further away to decide which direction they were o head in.


"Alright..." Millie murmured as she looked down at the map and looked at it, "we have to walk to the end of the hallway, turn right. Take the second left turn and then a last right... then we actually... we're supposed to be there. It's the exit."

"We're close then..." Sunghoon murmured in realization and Millie quietly nodded, "do you reckon Soomin would resent me for going out and getting help instead of finding her?"

"She'll understand," Millie shook her head as she grabbed the map and walked down towards Heeseung, grabbing onto his arm to tug him along, "come on, let's get out of this shithole and home to mom and dad."

Despite her visible frustration with Heeseung, he was quick to recognize the way she had grabbed onto it. To most people it would seem as a very casual thing, but Heeseung remembered it as exactly the way she always grabbed onto his arm when they were younger and they had to walk home in the dark winter months. He had completely forgotten about her fear for the dark, he didn't even know if she was scared of it anymore. But the way she had gripped onto his arm with so much fear shown in the grip and not in her behavior had made.

"It's just around the corners," Heeseung murmured and patted the hand Millie had on his arm, "we'll be out before you know it."

"I really want to go home," Millie murmured and Heeseung only nodded as Sunghoon rushed to trail after the two siblings.

Following the exact instructions Millie had given them only moments before the three suddenly stood face to face with what looked like a fire-exit, the green sign above the door shining brightly.

"So we actually found the exit..." Heeseung murmured before turning to Millie with a teasing smile, "are you sure you don't know how to study maps more than I do."

"Any idiot could read that map if they just knew where they were," Millie grumbled quietly and smackec Heeseung's chest with the map before casually dropping it on the ground and rushing forward to the door.

Surprisingly it opened with no problem or whatsoever and the morning light of a new day shone into the hallway and she smiled widely once her eyes adjusted to the lights and the blue sky appeared above her. A few white clouds passing by slowly. 

They had found the exit.

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