The End

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Three Years Later

The dismay on the teacher's face when Lin's phone had begun ringing during the lecture, would've made anyone scared, regardless of age. Yet, Lin had just casually answered the phone and walked out of the auditorium.

There wasn't much said between the two people on the phone. The message was fairly short but Lin understood Millie's voice immediately.

"Jungwon has a re-trial next week," Millie had started with the lighter news.

Lin recalled getting the news of Jungwon being found guilty in the death of Jiyeon, shortly after she and her mom moved back to China once again. In all the articles Lin could find there wasn't mentioned anywhere what exactly had caused authorities to decide that Jungwon had murdered her. It had come as an even bigger surprise, considering that Jungwon at first had been found innocent of the death, but now his arrest at her funeral made much more sense.

"Sunoo is dead too," Millie continued and Lin tuned back into reality, biting down on her bottom lip at the news, "jumped from the bridge two days ago. They retrieved his body this morning."

"I'll try and see if I can catch a flight for Jungwon's trial," Lin quietly hummed.

"Sunoo's funeral is the day before, you should come," Millie continued and Lin quietly shook her head, even if Millie couldn't see it.

At the end of the day Lin had travelled back to Korea three days before Jungwon's re-trial, she had spent a whole day sitting in the morgue. She had arrived in all black clothes requesting to see Sunoo, claiming that he was her fiance. She was quiet as she just looked at his pale face.

The workers at the morgue had agreed to wheel him out, draping one of those big cloths over him for her to just sit with. They hadn't found it weird how she just sat and stared at him, neither did she.

She hadn't seen him in three years, but he looked like himself. At least if you look beside the fact that his skin had taken on a white-yellowy color, with dark blue and purple plamages in a few places.

"I never forgave you," Lin quietly muttered as she stared at Sunoo's face, relishing in how it looked like he was only sleeping. He almost looked like that one time she visited him in the hospital after his surgery. Pale and sick, "I never forgave you, but I never stopped loving you. I hated myself for months after we went back to China, I regretted telling you to stay away, but it was for the best," she quietly continued, "had you waited for me a few more years maybe I would've come around again... maybe."

Lin had quietly watched Sunoo for another few hours before deciding to get up once again. From her bag she fished up a simple white lily. Carefully moving the top of Sunoo's cloth aside, Lin placed the lily just above Sunoo's heart, patting it down softly with the cloth laying over it.

"I won't be attending your funeral, but this is my goodbye," Lin pointed out quietly before sighing and turning on her heel to leave. She bid the workers a good day with a small bow before leaving and letting a few tears roll down her cheeks. Having to remind herself why she distanced herself from Sunoo in the first place.

On the day of Jungwon's re-trial Sunghoon and Heeseung had escorted Millie to the court, walking in together and noticing a smaller frame sitting near the front, clad all in black.

"You came," Millie breathed out after having rushed to Lin, sitting down beside her.

Quietly Lin nodded and shoved her phone back into her bag.

"Since you didn't attend Sunoo's funeral we thought you would stay away," Millie quickly rambled as Heeseung and Sunghoon sat down on the row behind Lin and Millie.

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