Chapter Nine - The Unforgivable Curses

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Word Count: 2,444.

Warnings: None. 

Our first lesson with Professor Moody was quick to arrive. The Friday after my first Advanced Potion's class we were sat in the DADA classroom waiting for our new teacher to show up.

"Late to his first class with us. Pathetic." I heard Draco mutter from beside me.

"I wouldn't be saying things like that." I replied. "Unless you want him to turn you into a ferret again."

"I can't believe we missed that." Blaise spoke up.

"Where were you guys anyway?" Theo asked them and Pansy's cheeks went pink.

"We were... we..." Blaise stuttered.

"Blaise was teaching me how to talk to girls." Pansy blurted, causing me to laugh slightly.

"And you know how to do that Blaise?" Draco asked the dark-skinned boy. "I thought you were, you know..."

"Gay as fuck." I finished Draco's sentence for him.

Blaise laughed lightly. "Oh yes. I am, as you say, gay as fuck." He confirmed, "but let's face it. I am better at flirting than all four of you combined."

Only as Blaise spoke did I remember the sixth person in the room. Sat beside Blaise, Mattheo was slumped over his work, reading through the Defence Against the Dark Arts book. He looked as though he hadn't slept at all.

"Look, it's Potter." Pansy announced, my attention leaving the brown-haired Slytherin and turning to watch Harry, Ron and Hermione making their way into the room.

"Hey Harry!" I shouted, leaving my seat to quickly walk over to him.


"I just wanted to apologize." I started. "For not saying anything during your spat with Malfoy. I never know what side to take when it comes to the two of you."

"It's alright Lyra."

"But I do have to admit, Draco was being a dick and Ron, on behalf of my dim-witted cousin, I apologize." Ron simply waved me off.

"Lyra!" a voice shouted and both Harry and I turned to the door of the classroom, finding a sixth year Gryffindor standing there.

"Do you know him?" Harry asked.

I nodded in response. "Yes. He's in Advanced Potions with me."

"Do I need to knock him out?" Harry continued, making for the boy.

I pulled him back. "Not yet."

I quickly made my way over to the Gryffindor. "Kenneth." I greeted.

"Hey, I can't stay long. I am incredibly late for class but I just couldn't go without asking you something." He spoke quickly, looking quite out of breath.

I smiled at his nervousness. "Alright, go ahead."

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" he asked.

"As a..."

"Friend, date, whatever you want." He laughed playfully. "I'd like to get to know you better Black."

I looked behind me, my gaze landing on Mattheo who was still slumped over his books, eyes on the page. I doubt he had noticed me leaving the table.

"You know what?" I said, turning to the sixth year. "Sure. Sunday work?"

"Yes," he replied, a little too quickly. "Yes. Sunday works."

"It's a date then." I told him.

"It's a date." Kenneth smiled brightly at me.

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