Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

Like... how am I suppose to face the Fire Lord on an empty stomach?! Forget on fighting, I probably would have no energy to even walk. Crawl... maybe. But walk? Doubt it. So... waking up early it is.

-The Painted Lady-

Aang P.O.V

It's now the next morning. I wake up to Katara who looks worried. "What's the matter Katara?" I said. She turns to look at me. "I think Appa's sick" she said.

"What? Appa's sick? That's awful!" Sokka said. He sounded panic. "Wow, Sokka, I didn't realize you cared so much" Toph said. "Of course I care. I might as well just throw our schedule away now" he said. I just give him a dirty look because of what he said. He realize what he said and changed his tone. "And I'm concerned because my big, furry friend doesn't feel well" he said.

"He must have gotten sick from being in the polluted water" Toph said. I turn to look at Appa. "He doesn't look sick. You okay, buddy?" I said. He lets out a groan. I notice something is wrong with his tongue.

"His tongue is purple! That can't be good. Katara, can you heal him?" I said, turning to look at Katara. "It looks like he needs some medicine. Maybe we can find the right herbs in town" she said. Momo lands on Appa's tongue. I quickly pull him away before he could attempt to lick it.


We head back to the village. But it seems different from our last visit. They're more lively. Everyone also seems happy. Something must have happened. I wonder what's going on around here.

"Is it just me, or does this place seem different?" Toph said. "Yeah, are the people... happier?" I said. We make our way to the market place.

"Hey, Xu, what's going on with everyone today?" Sokka said. "Ah, something amazing happened last night. Food was delivered to our village by a mysterious and wonderful person... the Painted Lady" he said. "The painted who now?" Katara said.

"The Painted Lady" he said. He place a miniature statue. I crouch down to take a closer look. "She's part of our town's lore. They say she's a river spirit who watches over our town in times of need. I always thought she was just a legend. Until now" he explained.

"See, we don't need to help these people, they already have someone to help them. All we need is medicine for our sick friend" Sokka said. Xu turn to look at him.

"Medicine? Sorry, all the medicine we have goes to the factory. That's why there's so many sick people in our village" he said. Katara turns to look at him. "Looks like we need to stay another night so Appa can rest" she said. Sokka lets out a sigh at what she said.

"I guess you're right. You got any more food to sell?" He said. "Would you like the one-headed fish, or the two-headed fish?" Xu said. I cringed at the sight of the fishes. The river are so badly polluted that even the fishes mutated.

"Two headed!" Sokka said, after a while of thinking. The rest of us just stare at him in disgust. He turns to look at us. "What? You get more for your money that way!" He said. We turn around and runs away with Sokka chasing after us.

The Next Day

"Hi, Dock. Is Xu around?" Sokka said, as we are once again back at the village. "Let me check" he said. He dive down and comes back up wearing a different hat. I am so convinced that he's the same person.

Sokka got pushed away by Toph who slams some money onto the counter. "We need more food. Our friend is still sick and we can't leave until he's better" she said.

"Oh, well, that's too bad. Maybe if you guys are lucky, the Painted Lady will visit you in the night, and heal your friend" Xu said.

"And maybe she'll cook us a midnight snack, and we'll all have a sing-along" Sokka said, in a sarcastic voice. "Yeah, maybe! You know, last night she visited us again. Healed most of our sick folks" Xu said, not getting Sokka's sarcasm. But I ignore his sarcasm as I start to have hope. Maybe... the Painted Lady can help Y/N too.

"Is that why this place seems so festive?" I said. Xu grins and nods his head. "Yep. It's all because of the Painted Lady!" He said. I turn my head and notice the villages putting up a statue.

"Can you believe how much an entire village can be affected by one lady I mean... spirit?" Katara said. "Well, I hope she returns every night. Otherwise this place would go right back to the way it was" Sokka said.

"Why would you say that? Look how much better off these people are" Katara said, sounding annoyed by what he said. "Yeah, now, but without her they wouldn't be able to fend for themselves. If she really wanted to help, she would use her spirit magic to blow up that factory" he said. He starts to make some hand gestures, trying to mimic how a spirit works. I crossed my arms, looking unimpressed.

"Spirit magic doesn't work that way, Sokka. It's more like..." I said. I start to wiggle my body around like a wave. Sokka walks over to me and wrap his arm on my shoulder. "Woooooooo0..." we said together as Sokka chuckles.

Night time

I got awaken by Momo. "What's the matter, buddy?" I said. I turn my head and notice a movement. "It's her!" I said, excitedly. I jump to my feet and wave at the figure.

"Hey! Painted Lady Spirit!" I yelled. The Painted Lady turns around and leaves. I use my air-bending to accelerate my running speed so I can chase after the spirit.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but my friend and sister are sick and we're on kind of a tight schedule" I said. I keep running after her. But she's showing no sign of stopping.

"Wait! But I'm a great bridge between your world and mine!" I said. I make an ice steps on the river and start jumping on them.

"I know Hei Bai! We're close personal friends!" I said, trying to convince the Painted Lady that I'm friendly. But the Painted Lady just moves faster. I refuse to give up. She could be the only way to help Y/N.

"Heeyyy!!" I yelled out, and runs into a pole. She continues on to the other side. I jump in front of her, which kind of startled her. "My name's Aang. I'm the Avatar. Along with my sister... but she's in a coma. I was hoping you'd help her" I said.

"Well, hello Avatar. I wish I could talk, but I am very busy. As for your sister. I don't know if I'm much of a help..." she said. "Yeah, me too. I hate that" I said, with a sigh. I really hoped that the Painted Lady can help my sister. I turn to look at her and lean closer to get a closer look at her face.

"You know, you're really pretty, for a spirit. I don't meet too many spirits, but the ones I do meet, not very attractive" I said. She tries to hide her face. She lets out a laugh, which sounded nervous.

"Thank you, but-" she said. "You seem familiar too" I said, cutting her off. "A lot of people said that..." she said. I squint my eyes, staring at her suspiciously. "No, you really seem familiar" I said. "Look, I really should get going" she said. She covers her face. She turns around to leave. But I quickly use air-bending to remove the veil from her head.

"Katara??" I said. She lets out a sigh and turn to look at me. "Hi, Aang..." she said. I stare at her in shock. I point my index finger at her. "You're the Painted Lady? But how?" I said.

"I wasn't her at first, I was just trying to help the village. But since everyone thought that's who I was anyway, I guess I just kinda became her" she said, taking off her hat.

"So you've been sneaking out at night? Wait, is Appa even sick?" I said. "He might be sick of the purple berries I've been feeding him, but other than that he's fine!" She said.

"I can't believe you lied to everyone, so you could help these people" I said. She stares at me with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have..." she said. I shake my head, grinning at her. It's true that I'm a little disappointed because I really hoped that The Painted Lady can help Y/N. But I'm happy because Katara cares for these people.

"No, I think it's great! You're like a secret hero!" I said, happily. She smiles softly at me. "Well, if you wanna help, there's one more thing I have to do" she said. I give her a confused look. What could she have in mind?

*to be continued*

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