Survival on the Street "Part 1"

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Away from the bustling crowds of the main street of Yiling, on a harsh cold day.. a group of children, around the age of five were eyeing yet another stall of fruits.

After eating little to nothing from the past three days because of getting caught and beaten severely for their last failed stealing attempt of some hot buns, two older boys were limping painfully while the youngest of the group was caressing her broken arm, sniffling softly.

Two other kids were busy tending to their wounds and collecting food scraps from the garbage to sate their hunger...

Watching the pitiful state of other children in the group, one kid having gleaming silver eyes with flecks of blue, still moist with emotions, who escaped the previous beating due to his quick steps and extreme flexibility, was feeling guilty for not being able to save his friends.

Therefore, he attempted to steal again...

Solely for his friends with whom he has been surviving since last one and a half year.

Prepared to rush towards the stall as soon as the opportunity arises, he waited... waited for a chance to quickly steal and bring some fruits without getting caught.

He saw the fruit stall owner going towards the shop across the street and swiftly ran to the stall... when suddenly he got caught by the same hot buns stall owner, who had previously beaten his friends into such immobile condition...

"You thief!!!" ..that stall owner snarled


"So you're also among those imbeciles that kept stealing from our stalls, Hah!!... Finally.. finally I caught you today!" The stall owner.. a burly man with built much suited for a strong guard, was sneering at the little boy, scornfully.


"You unwanted scum!!" the burly man spat on the boy's face, holding his sickly thin body, roughly...


"How dare you think that you will be able to steal from me without facing any consequence, hann?? Hahahaha"


"You wanted fruits right?!" the burly man continued mocking, without getting any response from the boy in his hold


"Speak you fool!! You want fruits.. don't you?!" The burly man, smirking with his menacing aura asked the fragile silver eyed boy... grabbing his collar and hanging him off his feet, above the ground.. single handedly.

The little boy didn't show even an ounce of fear on his face even though his heart was sinking and the smile on his face was getting distorted... knowing the predicament of his current situation, too well.

Still, his thoughts were getting gloomier only because he won't be able to get any food for his friends and again they'll have to starve, if they were able to survive today

The little silver eyed boy hoped for an inconceivable possibility and looked straight into the eyes of the burly man... mustering up his remaining courage and replied.. "Yes!!"

The man barked out a laugh witnessing the little boy's overconfidence and probed.. "So what can you do to get them?"

"Anything!" the boy answered without any hesitation, still thinking of multiple ways to escape the situation but not without getting the food for his friends

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now