Clouds of Emotions "Part 9"

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Healer Fu's deep gruff voice filled with fury reverberated around the infirmary

Just then, two hooded figures came out of hiding and went straight towards the unconscious A'xian and hugged her tightly in their arms, sobbing and choking convulsively...

"What now? Feeling guilty for stabbing our A'xian?!" Healer Fu sneered...

"I DIDN'T!... I really didn't.. I can never hurt her!

It was an accident.. I wasn't even aware when she came behind me!..

I... didn't...

Why is this so hard jiejie?! I'm tired.. So tired of faking everything..

Please.. Can't we just tell her the truth?

Six months! ..Every single day she looked at us, as if..she's begging us to recognise her, accept her...

And what did we do??

I HATE THIS! I hate how we have to break her heart everytime!

Why can't she just forget us?! She was always so good at forgetting things then why not now?!!!

Have you seen how those Jiang siblings act around her?

That's supposed to be our place! She's our baby sister... Our family.. Then why the hell are we suffering like this?!!!

It killing me Jie... My A'ying is suffering because of us... because of me and I can't do anything!

Just how long do we have to suffer?" Wen Ning questioned no one in particular, crying bitterly holding A'xian's hands...

"A'ning!.. Didi, don't cry.. our A'xian will soon be fine.. please.. get a hold of yourself!" Wen Qing tried to console her didi but she herself was loosing the fight against her emotions...

"Enough both of you! Haven't you heard anything so far? I wasn't telling stories when I said that her condition is quite unstable..

She is deeply affected by whatever nonsense you have spouted earlier..

And what? You want to tell her the truth?!

Okay!... Go ahead.. and then? What's next? Have you thought about it?

Knowing her reckless, self sacrificing, fight for justice type of personality.. What do you think she'll do when she learns the truth?

And how do you plan on fighting Wen Rouhan? He already possess a piece of Yin iron.. What about that?

And above all, what about our plan? All those years we spent, those sacrifices we made to avenge the murder of our family? Changze Ge, Cangse Saozi, Hong Dage and Li tai tai?! Huhh...

But.. I really want to know one thing, what exactly did you say to her that she doesn't even wants to live?"

"Calm down, please.. Shi Jun-" Wen Qing tried to salvage the situation

"Don't! Do not forget I'm Healer Fu here..."

"She.. she got to know that I knew her... the real her, so she cornered me, asking me why I never accepted her before... And, unable to think of an explanation, I told her that she murdered our parents ...and also her own," Wen Ning mumbled ashamedly..

"WHAT!" Wen Qing gasped, horrified

"YOU FOOL! What were you thinking-"

"I'm SORRY! I couldn't think of a better excuse!

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now