Searching Yin Iron "Part 5"

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"Something's not right..." Youling jie said frowning

"Mn?" Lan Zhan asked as they entered a room in another inn at their next stop and placed a silencing barrier around it

"I feel like my master is in danger, Lan er gongzi. I'll have to leave now. It's afternoon and with this speed of travelling, you'll reach the Temple of Dancing Goddess by tomorrow morning. I'll return to your aid after eradicating the threat, if you hadn't reached there by then," Youling jie bowed and was about to teleport when Lan Zhan clamoured, "Wait!"

Lan Zhan was having an ominous feeling about it. His heart wasn't at ease since his Wei Ying left for the Dafan Mountain alone but that feeling was much more powerful, almost suffocating! It was also why he kept on asking about Wei Ying's well-being nearly every hour and tried his best to keep his calm and ignore that nagging feeling, until now...

"Lan er gongzi, I really can't wait. I have to go!" Youling jie gritted her teeth, frustratedly

"You don't know what danger Wei Ying is facing," Lan Zhan stated, his deep baritone voice filled with deep concern

"That's why I've to leave, now!" Youling jie glared at Lan Zhan, angrily

"You can see the danger and also tell me the situation," Lan Zhan looked at Youling jie with pleading eyes

"...Okay," Youling jie sighed, sat in a meditative position and closed her eyes, "Just know that I can only see the present, not the past. And to save time, I'll be telling you as I watch and then will leave immediately."

"Mn" Lan Zhan nodded as he sat in front of Youling jie and regulated his breathing to keep his calm

Youling jie saw and told how she felt an abnormally high level of Yang energy inside the temple which was decreasing gradually as a huge lofty stone statue of the Dancing Goddess moved, captured and ate the devotees indiscriminately. She saw her master's eyes red with unshed tears, looking extremely terrified and guilty as she commanded, protected and helped the devotees to escape from the temple. She saw how her master unhesitatingly threw herself in harm's way when the goddess tried to capture a few elders and a man carrying a wailing child in his arms and got captured herself!

She heard her master's suppressed scream as her left arm broke and started bleeding profusely when the goddess gripped her tightly in her stone hand, brought her close to her mouth and...

"MASTER!!!" Youling jie cried, shocked and infuriated as she opened her eyes and teleported to save her master, leaving Lan Zhan horrified, distraught and distressed. 

It wasn't until he felt a strange tug in his mind as if something was trying to enter inside that he looked at the Yin iron, shocked, before regaining his composure with difficulty and playing Rest with a focused mind, only to reach his Wei Ying as soon as possible.

~Dafan Mountains~

"Wei gege!!! Come back!! Ayuan loves Wei gege!! Don't eat my gege!!! Wei gegee!!!" Ayuan screeched and cried hysterically seeing the goddess capture and hurt his Wei gege when he tried to save them. He screamed, horrified when the goddess was about to eat his Wei gege just like she ate his mother, popo and others and shouted desperately to give his Wei gege back to him.

Ayuan wailed and begged the goddess not to eat his Wei gege, repeatedly when suddenly a Red fairy attacked the bad goddess, saved his Wei gege and brought him back to the ground.

"Master?! You okay?!!" Youling jie asked worriedly, her translucent body trembling, eyes glowing red with uncontrollable rage towards the goddess, as she helped Wei Wuxian to stand on the ground, careful not to touch her broken bleeding arm.

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now