Clouds of Emotions "Part 1"

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Watching her siblings compete over a soup, Yanli shook her head, smiling. These blissful moments are the reason she's living for... to see her siblings unrestrained and happy ...for they've suffered enough...

She along with the Jiang disciples rode on their swords, and waited for their not so childish, future Sect Leader and Senior disciple, near the entrance gate of Cloud Recesses.

"Come on ChengCheng! Hurry up! Or you won't get even a drop of Shijie's lotus and pork rib soup... hahahhha," A'xian kept on babbling while climbing up the stairs, exuberantly

"WEI WUXIAN! Look ahead! And stop taking two stairs at a time!! STOP being reckless for ONCE!" Jiang Cheng shouted worriedly, still trying to catch up.

"I won't stop ChengCheng! Didn't you say you'll look after me!" A'xian winked and chortled, ignoring his advice

Jiang Cheng huffed, rolling his eyes at A'xian's unchanging attitude, all the while watching out for any obstacles in her way.

A'xian took the last blind turn at the top of the mountain, reaching near the entrance of Cloud Recesses, "Aaaargghhh!"

"A'xian!!!" Yanli exclaimed, witnessing the scene before her eyes

Her A'xian was lying on the ground, her legs splayed out unceremoniously, at the entrance of Cloud Recesses... On top of an esteemed Lan cultivator!!

Shocked.. with the sudden turn of events, A'xian kept on staring at the cultivator lying underneath her intensely with unblinking eyes...

"Woahhh! Shijie Look! This Gege is so gorgeously beautiful!! ..and Strong! and... Angry?!" A'xian unexpectedly exclaimed, giggling and poking the arms of the Lan cultivator...

Abruptly, that cultivator pushed her aside and stood up straight with swift, elegant and refined moves, all the while glaring at A'xian, expressionlessly...

Abruptly, that cultivator pushed her aside and stood up straight with swift, elegant and refined moves, all the while glaring at A'xian, expressionlessly

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Jiang Cheng and Yanli immediately came forward and helped A'xian up. While Yanli dusted A'xian's clothes, Jiang Cheng glared at that arrogant Lan cultivator who instead of helping Wei Wuxian, he pushed her aside so rudely!...

"Young Master Lan! I'm sorry on behalf of my brother but... don't you think you were quite impolite just now?"

The stoic Lan cultivator merely glanced at Jiang Cheng.. then looked straight into the gleaming, bluish silver eyes of A'xian, "Who are you?"

As the situation grew more tense, Yanli stepped forward and addressed, "Second Young Master Lan, these are my brothers I was talking about just now.

The one in purple robes is the future Sect Leader, Jiang Cheng, courtesy name Jiang Wanyin and the one in black robes is Senior Jiang disciple and our adopted brother, Wei Ying, courtesy name Wei Wuxian.

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now