Survival on the Street "Part 2"

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"Youling jie.. can you show yourself to me, pleeeawssss?

Just once, hm?

Why can I only hear you but can't see you... or touch you while you can see and hear everything and even fight!...

It's soo unfairrr!" A'ying pouted, whining cutely, "..Pleaseee pweeese...un??"

Youling smiled and fixed A'ying's stray hairs with her fingers, "Master... I am just a bad wandering ghost.

I don't even remember when I died or how long I have been lost.

Nobody could hear or see me even when I murde- played with people.

I'm just happy that after so long, there's someone who can atleast hear me.

Maybe, one day when you become a great cultivator you'll be able to see me?!

At that time, you won't kill me.. will you?" Youling teased, her husky alluring voice rang inside A'ying's head.

A'ying gasped, "Noo! Why will I kill you jie?

You are not a bad ghost, or why would you save me from those big..bigg dogs.. you are even helping me to find Xixi.. I will never hurt you," A'ying said, her eyes shining with resolution

"And I will forever serve you my little master.." Youling smiled

It's been a year since A'ying lost her friends. By the time she gained her consciousness, most of her wounds were healed as always, leaving only a faint scar behind but her body turned so emaciated, she could barely stand.

Finding the few spoiled apples nearby that she struggled so hard for, her eyes welled up with emotions.

She picked them up and ate silently, once again left behind, alone.... while tears streamed down her face.

Days passed and she kept searching for her friends, but to no avail

Surviving alone, in a place where every other person looked down upon her, she tried to find some work, beg, and even steal, blinded by the hunger of her stomach when she could not find food even in the dumpster

While some people just pushed her away from their way, cursing her, others often thrashed her to scare and drive her away from the nearby area.

It was during this time she came across a pack of wolves... while roaming around the outskirts of burial mounds at night, in search of some fallen food on the ground.

Running away from the chasing wolves, wounded and exhausted, she desparately called for help. Her cries echoed in the empty streets of Yiling.

Suddenly, a black mist surrounded her, blocking the nearing wolves.

The wolves whimpered, growled sensing the danger and retreated.

"I am here to help you master," A'ying heard a girl's voice filled inside her head.

Her legs gave out and she fell on the ground and cried, thanking the black mist vigorously, that seemed to be trying to envelope her little figure, protecting her from the dangers.

Since then, the black mist now called as Youling jie by A'ying, has been together with her.

Initially, when Youling joined her, she used to bring her fresh foods but when A'ying saw a shopkeeper freaking out and fainting because of the disappearing fruits right infront of his eyes, she stopped and debarred Youling from stealing ever again for her.

A'ying knew that stealing is wrong. She was aware that if one day her family came to know that she stole food, they would be disappointed in her.

But if they knew that she made someone else steal for her own selfish needs, they will never forgive her.

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now