Epilogue "Part 2"

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“Calm down, Fenghuang. First, listen to your mother, with a clear mind, that is, little one!

Everything happens for a reason and you know it, better than anyone else here!

As our Time has always said, no being really is a True Immortal. Everything that begins must come to an end, including us divinities, to maintain the balance of the universe.

It’s the Law of Nature.” Tianzhu, Lord of Heaven, said in his deep, firm and rich voice tinged with deep sorrow, longing, and acceptance.

“Father!” Fenghuang and Xuanwu exclaimed in surprise the moment Tianzhu appeared beside their mother, Houtu, and threw themselves in his awaiting open strong arms, chorusing like children, “We missed you, father!”

“And I, too, my lovely daughters,” Tianzhu said, wrapping his arms around his little- mature daughters’ forms, bringing them closer to his heart and smiling softly with relief, before looking at his beautiful yet sad wife and hardening himself for what is to come, sooner than later, saying, “Congratulations! For being successful in your last heavenly trial.

For finding and regaining the lost, broken part of your spirits, for accepting who you are and gaining control of your infinite powers.

Well done, my babies. And you both too, congratulations for successfully completing this heavenly trial!” he said, looking at Baihu and Qinglong, not at all hiding the awkwardness in his voice.

“Thank you, Tianzhu.” Baihu and Qinglong said solemnly, bowing their heads in respect.

“Ah, and you four, hope you’re getting used to your newfound powers and abilities, after your master’s  completion of this trial.” Tianzhu said, his rich voice laced with amusement as he looked at Liebing, Wangji, Konghou and lastly at an upset Chenqing, holding his gaze a little longer, a little firmer than others as if communicating certain thoughts, words that were meant for the ears of Chenqing alone

“Greetings, Heavenly Lord. We are yet to fully explore and adapt to our new abilities.

However, I’m sure we will be able to achieve perfection in no time, with the help of our masters.” Liebing said, supported by Konghou while Wangji looked at his hands, bewildered and baffled, as if he only just realised the infinite powers coursing in his veins, unconsciously voicing out thoughts, “Did we really gain abilities and powers because of what our masters suffered in the mortal world?!”

“Wangji!” Konghou hissed, embarrassed, scared and annoyed at the same time for his recklessly spoken thoughts in front of Tianzhu

“Yes. We did.” Chenqing answered Wangji’s unconsciously asked query, and continued mysteriously, with an air of defiance, “Thank you for reminding us, Tianzhu.”

Tianzhu could read between the lines, hear the words left unsaid in sharp reply of Chenqing but ignored and turned his attention to the daughters in his arms who were looking at him questioningly, “Oh! He’s a bit jealous, that’s all… no need to worry about him. Right, Chenqing?!” he asked and without waiting for Chenqing’s reply, he continued, “How have you been, children?! It’s been a few years since I and your mother last saw you all, together and happy.

Oh! And have you all congratulated Fenghuang for gaining the Great Twin Flame Phoenix as her new heavenly beast form?!

It’s one of the most powerful ancient creatures to exist in all eternities! Powerful even than your mother’s white phoenix!”

“......Twin Flame Phoenix?!

I gained a new heavenly beasts form? Why?!

As far as I’ve read in the ancient scrolls, it can be gained only by those who go through the hardest of struggles and sufferings but the last thing I remember is discussing in your chamber about something related to being reincarnated in the mortal realm.

I don’t recall anything else!

What- what’s happening to me, huh?!

Can you all please be merciful enough to tell me- just what am I missing?!!!

Why am I feeling as if I have lost… my memories that were too precious, yet painful to me?!

Why am I feeling so… connected with this beautiful place, this ghost, these immortal women, this strong young man whose silver core is thrumming with energy similar to mine, and that adorable child in his arms, who was once dead but is very much alive, carrying the essence of my life force in his veins?

Why’s mother saying that her time has come?!!!

Why have you come here, yourself, instead of summoning us to the Heavenly Realm?

And just why are you both suddenly reminding us all of Time’s words that every beginning has an ending!

Just… why?!!!” Fenghuang asked in a weak quavering voice, eyes welling up with tears of fear, uncertainty, and nervousness of acknowledging the reality, accepting the unsaid truth.

She might not be able to remember what happened in the last few years, but all the words of those familiar yet unknown people, their mother and now their father, pointed towards one thing…

Because our time of existence has come to an end now, child.” Tianzhu said in his firm voice, gently

Fenghuang gasped.

Stumbling backwards, away from her father and mother, until her back  collided with the warm chest of Qinglong, who immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, supporting her trembling form, calming his own shocked, shaken heart, while Baihu held Xuanwu’s soft cold hands, tightly, letting her know he was there, for her, trying to give her all his strength to bear with the hard truth.

“Your father is right, children... Our time has come and trust me, we have no regrets.

Just that, I wish we had some more time to spend with you, to enjoy your happiness, carefree laughter, your little mischiefs, childish complaints and tantrums but that’s something every loving parent would continue craving, no matter how much time they spend with children...

Whatever is happening is not at all a surprise to us...

We learnt about this millions of years ago, after the early humans caused the destruction of the world, Winter brought forth the harsh age of ice and Summer lost a part of her soul, buried in the depths of the earth, but gained Fenghuang as her auspicious beast form, a natural partner, an equal, and soulmate to Qinglong.” Houtu smiled at the rapidly rising blush colouring Qinglong’s neck, ears and cheeks and the visibly growing confusion on her Fenghuang’s adorable face.

“You and baba…knew that I lost a part of my soul?! Doesn’t it mean that you also knew-” Fenghuang looked at her mother and father, feeling ashamed and remorseful

“You haven’t done anything wrong, Fenghuang. What humans did then, with your sensitive nature, it was only natural for a young, bright and sweet soul like you to feel that way.” Houtu said, her serene voice brimming with warmth, love, and understanding, unaffected by her and Tianzhu’s soul that started glowing and dispersing, becoming one with nature, slowly, as warm sparks of life, “If anything, it’s on us, Lord of the Heaven and Mother Earth, your parents, who should’ve noticed it all earlier, saved the world earlier, before everything fell apart and we… lost you.

However, everything happens for a reason…

To be continued...

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