Blessings and Troubles "Part 4"

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"A'Die!" Wen Qing shouted.

The little girl stood infront of Wen Hong, fuming with anger.

Wen Hong was startled, his usually calm children were showing extreme reactions and he has only one to blame- 'Warrior'

"How can you do this to angel A'Die?! We love her so much. A'ning can't even live a few hours without playing with her, mother loves to sing her lullabies, then how can you ask us to forget her," tears of frustration rolled down A'qing's cheeks

"Calm down baby, your father doesn't mean what he said, right A'hong?" Wen Li hugged her daughter while glaring at her husband.

"Will you all listen to me first?" Wen Hong said in his no-nonsense attitude

"I want all of us to pretend that angel is a boy instead of a girl. Our enemies might be aware that a girl will be born to fight against evil. They don't know where or when the baby will be born much less her identity. Changze said that the evil spirits of burial mounds might know about his babygirl. If in future our enemies come searching for a babygirl but they find a boy instead, they might not harm her."

"It will also give us time to prepare ourselves while allowing Didi and Di Mei to live freely."

"I have already told you Didi that I'm distant cousin of sect leader Wen. Your stay here might not remain a secret forever. Moreover, you cannot always live in hiding."

"Since, we'll be living together from now on, I want everyone here to keep this fact a secret with your life," Wen Hong said and looked at everyone for any doubts.

"I agree. It scares me to even think that if someday we might not be able to protect our angel, what will those demons do to her. Atleast, her living as a boy might save her from dangers." Changze revealed his worries to his family.

"A'Jun, can you please write a letter to Healer Shi stating that Cangse has given birth to a boy, she will know what to do."

"People will learn about my baby's gender as per the letter. However, Dage.. while it can be done easily for now, what about when she starts growing up?"

"I can help her Changze," Cangse interrupted him.

"Mother is a master of illusion spells. She taught illusion skills only to her best disciples to help protect our home from outside world. I can also use them. My spells were not as effective as her's before. But now as an immortal, I can cast an illusion around our daughter which will let others see her external appearance of a male. Her true appearance will only be visible to other immortals or people whom she will reveal the secret herself."

"Cangse, since you are able to do it, I advise you to place the illusion spell now itself. We are yet to be immortals, and angel has not revealed her secret to us herself. Therefore, we can test the efficiency of spell and adjust ourselves to the illusion," Wen Li shared her thoughts.

Everyone agreed to Wen Li's suggestion. Cangse gently laid the baby on bed without disturbing her sleep and removed all her clothes. She placed her right palm over her baby's naked torso, closed her eyes and began chanting an illusion spell. Soon, a silver glow started radiating from her palm, encompassing the baby in a bright light. Few minutes later, the brightness disappeared leaving the baby with visible changes for the eyes of mortals.

"Oh my!" Changze gasped seeing her angel through an illusion, "She really has become our warrior now Dage, I feel like I have become father again" Changze said while smiling foolishly.

Wen Li excitedly swooped and picked up the angel in her arms. She examined her to feel the extent of illusion but got alarmed when she realised that it was only an illusion to eyes and not to touch.

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now