Clouds of Emotions "Part 2"

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"Know your limits, Wei Wuxian!!

How dare you stop a Sect Leader from speaki-mmph.. mmphhmphmh..???!!"

A'xian turned to look at Grandmaster Lan who abruptly stopped shouting, only to find him glaring daggers at her while his face turned red with anger and frustration...

A'xian's eyes widened with a sudden realisation and she mindlinked, "Is that you, Youling jie? What did you do?"

"Ofcourse, it's me!... I've tolerated his nonsense enough Master, he had it coming.. hmph!"

"But what exactly did you do?"

"Oh! That's nothing... I just tricked his mind into thinking that he has been silenced... Nothing much!

It's not my fault if he himself doesn't tries to speak...after overcoming the illusion that is, hihi!" Youling jie chuckled seeing the struggling Lan Qiren

A'xian took a deep breath, picked up a burning candle from the table beside her and went towards the unconscious disciple.

She poured the melted wax inside his ears and over his eyes... sealing his orifices

"This disciple has been attacked with the resentment energy, he has lost his consciousness but is still alive... and controlled"

"Controlled?! Do you mean.. they are like puppets?" Lan Xichen frowned

"Yes.. Exactly that... Sect Leader Lan," A'xian answered, "And therefore, whoever has attacked him, will be able to hear our conversations and in certain cases, even see us, through his eyes. Hence, the sealing," A'xian explained soberly

"Well done... Wei gongzi, if you don't mind, may I ask how do you know so much about resentment energy?" Lan Xichen asked with admiration in his eyes

A'xian beamed with delight at his remark. Her smile brightening the previously dull atmosphere of the room, "I've learned many things outside the traditional teachings, out of sheer curiousity, Sect Leader Lan... Thank you for the compliment!"

A'xian looked at Lan Wangji, quickly sticking out her tongue at him, mockingly while Lan Wangji glared

"Ahm! Wei gongzi... Can you please lift the spell on Uncle?" Lan Xichen smiled warmly

A'xian mindlinked Youling jie, persuading her to show some mercy on the old man....

No sooner did the illusion was removed by Youling jie, did Lan Qiren yelled, "How dare you put a silence spell on me?

How do you even know our family's exclusive spell?"

"It's not a silence spell, Grandmaster Lan, it was only a trick that made you think you were silenced...

You just didn't try to speak so far...

And I already explained why we were not to speak earlier," A'xian answered while observing the unconscious disciple, not sparing, Grandmaster Lan, even a single glance

"Sect Leader Lan, please ask your disciples not to kill such unconscious victims out of ignorance.

Although I'm unaware, if or when these people will regain their consciousness, it would be unfair of us if we directly kill them, without considering such possibility

As far as I know, they may regain their consciousness, if somehow, we can destroy the weapon, used to snatch away their consciousness in the first place," A'xian was thinking out loud, tapping her nose and pacing back and forth, lost in her thoughts

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