Clouds of Emotions "Part 12"

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Usually, Cloud Recesses is a tranquil and silent place where one can hear almost all the beautiful sounds our mother nature creates. Ripples of the cold pond, grass fluttering in the soothing cool breeze, butterflies flapping wings, chirping birds and crickets singing songs. It was a natural hypnotising harmony that anyone would want to indulge in...

And then, there's our mesmerizing, other worldly, stunning and sweet chaos Wei Wuxian, who was vexed in so a lovely morning because of one person...

"Lan er gongzi! Why did you do it?

I was okay to kneel in the ancestral hall from morning till night and I know you can too then why did you change it to copying of rules and that too for a whole week!" Wei Wuxian yelled out in frustration.

Lan Wangji side-glanced at him while entering the library pavillion, "Not good"

"What are you saying- un??" Wei Wuxian paused, feeling elated for an unknown reason, "Are you worried for me?!"

"Our test is two days from now," Lan Wangji answered while his thoughts were filled with the recent memories of a stabbed and unconscious Wei Wuxian.

'Oh. What was I thinking?' Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji who had settled in his usual place to copy the rules.

Watching him sit so peacefully, A'xian's eyes sparkled with mischief, "Lan er Gege, aren't you scared that I might kiss you again?"

Lan Wangji stilled. His brush paused and eyes stared intensely at the blank paper on his desk, 'Will he kiss me? I want...No! How can I think like this? We are both men!

But, I haven't felt like this before. Does this mean I like men or is it just him? Should I ask Xiongzhang? Or maybe test myself with others, if my heart races like now?

Is he my fated one? No...Impossible. He's too...

I'm just not calm these days. His constant pestering... once he leaves Cloud Recesses, I'll be back to normal. Mn'

Absorbed in his thoughts, Lan Wangji failed to hear Wei Wuxian's calls as his forehead ribbon slipped slowly from his hair

Wei Wuxian frowned seeing the always alert, calm and compose Lan Wangji lost in his thoughts while his precious forehead ribbon was slowly getting loose...

He never really understood the importance of that forehead ribbon besides that it was something sacred to the Lans, only worn by the direct descendants of Gusu Lan family.

The Lans valued it more than anything. They never even let it be touched by others as if it held some kind of secrets?!

Anyways, so it was rare to see the ribbon or the Lan insignia of the ribbon even slightly askew on their foreheads.

As if the Lans could wear anything misplaced.

From their boots to their bands, Lans were known for their impeccably white, smooth, untainted uniform and their unusually calm and composed demeanor.

In short, a mourning robe and demeanor.

Ofcourse, exceptions are always there but so are the famous 3000 rules and punishments.

Wei Wuxian called Lan Wangji multiple times to warn him about his ribbon but it seemed as if the wooden block was too lost in his thoughts to hear him.

So Wei Wuxian took the matters in his own hands.

He caught the long fluttering ribbon just before it touched the ground and looked up to tie it properly on Lan Wangji's forehead only to gasp and scurry back in shock.

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