Qishan And Adversities "Part 7"

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The cave, dark and ancient, echoed with a deep, loud, and inhumane bone-chilling growling hiss as those cold, gigantic, murderous blue eyes raised above the surface of the dark murky waters of the lake.

Focused on its prey, those blue eyes stared intensely at Wen Chao, Wen Xu, and Zhou Zhuliu who were standing closest to the shore of the lake, as a huge monstrous snake no! A monstrous tortoise having thick scaled and long snake-like neck, made its way slowly yet dangerously towards its prey, hypnotizing them, luring them closer to itself, their death, and was seconds away from killing them when a few of the Wen disciples narrowly rescued their young masters, shaking them out of the stupor and bringing them back to safety, away from the dark rippling lake where their death was still glaring at them, intently.

And then the entire cave fell into chaos.

Disciples from different sects started running around, searching, in hopes of finding different ways besides the one single entrance from where they could escape this god-forsaken cave and this ancient beast, they had no idea about its identity and existence.

In their shock and nervousness, many disciples dropped their fire torches on the slippery wet ground, purging its fire, plunging the cave further into darkness in this critical situation

In desperate need for survival, a cruel and selfish fight ensued among several cultivators to escape out of the cave leading to extreme confusion, a wild stampede, screams, and cries!

The monstrous, dangerously growling tortoise slowly made its way toward Wen Chao, Wen Xu, and Zhou Zhuliu. Blue eyes staring intensely at its prey, the monster smashed everything that came in its way, from rocks, and puny weapons, to the terrified cultivators, the monster kept moving forward, biting off, killing, and destroying every single thing that was hindering it from reaching its target!

While several disciples made their way out of the cave, disregarding their responsibility as a cultivator, Wen Chao, Wen Xu, and Zhou Zhuliu forcibly pushed the disciples, still present in the cave, towards the furious monster to satisfy the cold hunger visible so clearly in its blue eyes and save their lives!

Witnessing each and everything from the side-line, that happened between the Qishan Wen heirs, Zhou Zhuliu, and Wei Wuxian…… Jin Guangyao knew!

Jin Guangyao knew he had to do something and now, to save his sect as well as his own life from the wrath of Wen Rouhan.

With the situation that had gotten long out of control from Jin Guangyao’s hands, who was given the responsibility by Sect Leader Wen of protecting Wei Wuxian from Wen Chao and Wen Xu’s wicked schemes by any means possible, and with the harm done not only to Wei Wuxian’s body but his golden core, he knew he had no way out to escape his destruction if he didn’t do anything urgently!

And he decided.

Watching Jiang Cheng, Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, and Hu Xing along with several Jiangs, Lans, Nies, and even Jin disciples who were covering their sect heirs, protecting them all from the ensued chaos, the dangerous monster, the vile intentions of Wen Chao, Wen Xu, and Zhou Zhuliu in the darkness of the cave.

Watching them all look more than terrified, angry, and confused as Wei Wuxian writhed on the ground in pain while vomiting blood as his body slowly turned cold and blue because of the poisoning, Jin Guangyao shouted, “Look! Isn’t he the famous Core-melting hands? What is he doing here?! Wearing Wen disciple’s robes?! Does that mean… he is the one who hurt the youngest heir of Qishan, Wei gongzi?! Oh my god! Has he melted his core?!! Is that why Wei gongzi is in so much pain?!”

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