Blessings and Troubles "Part 5"

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Hey Stars!
Thank you all for your support so far. I'm so happy that you are reading my work.

Here's an extra midweek chapter. Enjoy!

"Cangse.. listen to me child, one can not predict all that's going to happen. Haven't you learnt from my life?" Sanren tried to reason with her agitated daughter who remained stubborn as ever. Her voice dripping with concern echoed in the walls of cold cave.

"What you are doing will have its consequences and not all will be good. Waisunnu's appearance, her immortality, her power to wield resentment, her ability to communicate with dead, they all have a reason to be given to her."

"You have already casted an illusion, changing her identity to a boy. Who knows what all problems just that one change will cause in her life."

"And now you want to seal her immortal core!.. Her ability to communicate with dead!... Do you even realise that by doing this you might make her more prone to dangers?"

"Mother!" Cangse cried out.

"I would never do that... I have experienced the horrors of seeing the resentful, crooked, disfigured dead souls myself. I'm not being disrespectful mother but not all the souls are good. My baobei cries.. she keeps on suffering, crying and I can't do anything!" Cangse's lip quivered and a sob threatened to choke off her voice. "And her core.. her enemies will be able to track her in any part of the world because of her immortal core-"

Sanren cut her and said,"What do you mean Cangse? How can her enemies track her because of her core when they don't even know she has been born?"

"There's more to it, isn't it? Don't hide from me child. Tell me!" Sanren said anxiously.

"Mother.. The spirit of the Burial Mound, that Boy, he told me and Changze some secrets about our baby through mindlink and asked us to never reveal it to anyone unless that person can die for our baby without hesitation."

"I trust you mother!" Cangse exclaimed realising what her words might insinuate.

Cangse took a deep breath to calm her heart..."He said our daughter is the incarnate of Zhuque but he is unaware of her true form, powers or skills.
Her name will hold the key to her great powers.
We can name her only on the full moon night of her third month birth anniversary, far away from people in a closed space with a silence barrier.
Her birth name will serve as her awakening spell. The moment we will name her, other saviors will also feel the power of awakening spell. However, it's power will also be felt by Yin Iron and those in possession of them."

"No!" An audible gasp went round the cold cave at the mention of Yin Iron. Sanren looked up at her daughter wide-eyed. Soon her shock wore off, replaced by anger.

"Yin Iron," Sanren rasped through gritted teeth. She lost her friends, her life, her Lover... her everything because of it. She married an ordinary man with dreams of having her own family. Even he left her alone in this world soon after her daughter was born. She started adopting and teaching orphans along with her daughter to ease her loneliness. Just when she started to become happy again in her life, it came back haunting the happiness of her family.

"Mother..." Cangse gave her a knowing look, her eyes filled with emotions

"He asked us to beware of them mother, as they will try every means to remove my daughter from their path."

"Hold On! He asked you to beware of those in possession of Yin iron?" Sanren frowned thoughtfully.

Cangse nodded.

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now