The beginning "Part 4"

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"Hold On! What do you mean by saviour?
What calamity? And why are you looking at my baby saying all this?" Cangse's quavering voice echoed in the silence of the night.

The boy, abruptly shaken out of his reverie, looked at the couple, eyes wide with surprise.

The couple that was pretty much in their sweet bubble moments ago were now panicking and looking at him anxiously.

The boy sighed heavily and sat on the ground crossing his legs in Lotus position, "Just because all the four Sect leaders sacrificed their souls for guarding the Yin iron, it didn't mean the problem was solved.

Infact, it only paved way for causing a much greater disaster in the future. As I said, the Yin iron has consciousness.

Those four pieces were already a menace just after about seventy years of being exposed to the humans. And that sword, the largest and most potent Yin iron became vicious only after a few weeks of exposure to the negativity.

Agreed, the negativity that time was far from normal, but still ...even after being in a pure environment for so many years, it didn't change the fact that the mineral was a Yin source itself.

Four centuries has passed since that cold-blooded massacre.

Four centuries for Yin iron to gain it's control back...

Four centuries for it to become beyond clever, malicious and evil

Four centuries for humans to forget the bloodbath becoming more greedy, corrupt and sinful.

The souls of those sect leader could only hold the Yin iron for so long.

The world is constantly moving towards its eternal doom and these factors are only escalating the cause. Such events have long been predicted by the Divinities leading to the birth of saviors of the world," the boy was about to continue when Changze who was silently listening all along interrupted, "SAVIOURS? Do you mean more saviours will be born besides our baby?"

"Yes and No," the boy's attention again moved towards the baby bump, corners of his mouth upturning into a gentle smile, "Yes, there are more saviours as it's not a feat achievable by one.. no matter how powerful they are ...and No, because just as in any game the wise plays his Trump card in the last, The Divinities made my master born... only after all the other saviours were already born and blended among the mortals without arousing suspicion.

Also, those saviours are living their life as any common mortal would... since their awakening is yet to happen, and here comes the first role of my master, the day my master's power will be awakened, all other saviours will also feel the same surge of power and soon be awakened for the fulfilment of their destiny. But..." the boy paused, his grim expression sent chills down their spine.

Cangse felt a surge of anxiety, she broke the embrace of Changze and ran towards the sink to puke out the rising bile. Changze was standing right behind her... holding tightly, rubbing her back in a soothing manner and helping her to rinse her mouth off the bitterness.

The couple returned and saw the boy still having a distant look, lost deep in his thoughts when, "We are still unaware of your name, how did you find us and above all, why a being like you is addressing our unborn baby as his master?" Changze voiced out his thoughts that were nagging him since the moment the boy murmured 'Master' while looking at the baby bump.

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