The Beginning "Part 3"

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So far Cangse was still coming to terms with her reality.

It was overwhelming... several emotions were making their way inside the depths of her heart and she was unable to identify which one hit her the most.

She was confused.

She always knew her mother was an immortal and that she was also going to be one but hearing that her mother was from the time even before the burial mounds became the today's 'The Burial Mounds' was.. well she was now actually COMPARING her current age of Twenty one years old to that of her mother's um..

What?! Oh God!! She couldn't even remember her mother's actual age by now, so in between all those important information being shared she interrupted, "Could you tell me my mother's age again?! I just thought of visiting her with the good news,"..she complimented her query with an innocent face and doe like eyes

Changze snorted.

He definitely was not ready to face the wrath of his centuries old Mother-In-Law for impregnating her only precious daughter especially when she never liked him... even when she didn't actually know him.

The boy raised his one eyebrow giving them a judgemental look.

He was now seriously loosing patience with this couple, 'Are they even listening to the real information that I have taken so much pain to deliver to them, If not for my master's safety I seriously think I would have knocked them off to sleep, they are better off dreaming while me explaining the details. Uhh.. no no no no... If being awake they give me this level of attention, who knows they might have just waved off all those information in their dream just like...A DREAM!', he thought and took a deep calming breath and said, "Four hundred and ninety-seven"

"Oh..." Cangse pouted her lips and paused.

She then whispered in Changze's ears, "Can we not go please, I'm feeling like a peanut carrying a baby peanut infront of my mother who is more like a Mammoth", Changze made a disapproving grunt and said, "Our baby is not a peanut.."

"Oh.. okay...mhm?!" ...Cangse was waiting for more but it looked like he was already done.

All this while the boy was deeply meditating trying to ignore their presence and instead connect with his master.

He finally decided to cut in their not-so-situational conversation and began while pointedly looking at them,"When your Mammoth mother, Boashan Sanren came out of her sanctuary," he was now blatantly ignoring the obvious soft chuckles from the couple and continued, "What she witnessed was a complete definition of catastrophe. Everywhere people were killing each other with no end in sight. She tried to make her way to her once friends, when she finally came to realise how much time had already passed, Jiang Fanxiu and Nie Huifeng were long gone, Wen Mao was no better and there was no trace of her beloved Lan Yi.

Before you even ask what I mean by beloved, I really meant just that.. 'beloved' and for your time pass, think of a reason why in her more than four centuries of lifetime, only you are her child and that too very recently...

Back to the topic, so... she tried to find her, they both had an argument before Baoshan made her secret retreat, Lan Yi also knew the ill effects of Yin iron and wanted to perform cleansing using her clan's techniques to purify the mineral altogether but Baoshan had warned her about her futile approach, "You cannot 'clean' something which was never 'tainted'..."

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now