Extra 1: The story of Four Guardians

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Disclaimer: This story is a combination of facts and imagination and does not intend to hurt the faiths and sentiment of any religion or person in particular.

Tianzhu's POV (Lord of Heaven)

We came into existence.

By "We" I mean Me, Tianzhu- Lord of the Heaven, Houtu- Queen of the Earth (my beautiful empress), also called as Dimu- Mother Earth and Ren- Humanity. We are commonly known as Tian Di Ren (天地人)

It's like saying Heaven and Earth and Everything in between.

Time says we were once ONE. We represent the Gods, the Demons, and the humans- our connecting link, alike. There's not a very clear line of difference between us, except for our powers and intentions.

Intentions to create or destroy, to harm or to protect.

Our existence are essential to each other. We balance each other. The Gods can also do bad, the Demons can also be good and humans?!

Well... Let's just say they are fickle minded, hmph!

"Me and my empress have been around since forever. We are truly immortal," I said proudly.

 We are truly immortal," I said proudly

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Tianzhu- The Lord of Heaven

Tianzhu- The Lord of Heaven

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Houtu- Queen of the Earth

"No, you aren't!" Time said pointedly in his all time serious tone, "You came into existence around a certain point of time, and your time will come, no matter how many epochs you have been around.

And how often should I tell you that immortality is relative. For a mayfly that only lives for a day, hummingbirds are immortal. For hummingbirds, Galapagos tortoises are immortal. And so are you to the humans."


"That's blunt, Time! When will you learn to be a little considerate..Hm? Why do you always have to be so... 'sharp,harsh, brutal,abrupt,straightforward' ...Indelicate?" I said with forced politeness.

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now