Destiny and Prophecy "Part 4"

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“…….. xian!

……… Wuxian! Wake up, Haizi! Please my good child, wake up or it will be too late!

……….Wei Wuxian! Wake up, child. The world needs you!” A deep, gentle and ethereal voice of a woman laced with worry and urgency echoed in her ears causing Wei Wuxian to stir awake from her consciousness and open her dull silver eyes with flecks of blue, only to find herself alone... in an unfamiliar surrounding filled with an unnaturally familiar, cool, soothing, but blinding white light.

‘Hello?! Who is calling for me?! Where am I? What… is this empty space? Am I really dead?

Was someone really calling for me? Or was I dreaming?!! I have done my part, fulfilled my role of saving the world from the control of Yin Iron then, why would anyone in the world need me now?!’ Wei Wuxian thought, sadly and and a bit confusedly

“Haizi, please, calm down, child. This void, this space is known as the Realm of nothingness.

It plays a crucial role in separating the Human realm, Heavenly realm and the Realm of the dead.

This realm of nothingness is a vital link, an indispensable connection to maintain the smooth flow and balance of several different kinds of energies circulating among all the realms, for their existence and survival.

And You… you are not yet completely dead, Wei Wuxian.

It’s true that you have saved the world from the vicious control of Yin Iron but trapping it inside your silver core is not enough, child.

If we don’t do anything soon, then the world will still, definitely meet its end.

And probably, in a way worse than it would have, under the control of Yin Iron! We don't have much time, child.

I know it’s been hard for you and I’m really sorry that you've to go through all of this excruciating pain and heavy responsibilities.

However, it’s the very destiny you’ve written with your own choices and now, it’s only you, who can save the world and all its beings from this apocalypse.” The deep, ethereal and gentle voice echoed again, filled with kindness and worries that Wei Wuxian could feel, wasn't directed towards the whole world or humanity but herself alone, just like the precious warmth of her deeply missed family.

Feeling the much needed warmth, care, kindness, and concern in the invisible woman’s gentle but deep serene voice, Wei Wuxian could no longer hold back her tears and swirling emotions and fell on her knees, crying and hiccuping like a pitiful child, wrapping her arms around herself as she sobbed her heart out, “I…I miss my family so much, Ayi. Shijie, Xixi jie, Ning gege, Chengcheng, my Little Ayuan, mama, baba, waipo, bobo, bomu, Jun Shushu, I miss them all so much!

But I lost them! I couldn’t save them! I ju-st couldn’t save th-em at all!

What’s the use of me being a Heavenly Saviour when I couldn't even save my lov-ed ones?

My own fami-ly and friends?!

My baby?

Why am I the Heavenly Saviour? Just why?

Why couldn't I live a normal life with my family, my mama and baba?

Why did I lose everything even when I am the Heavenly Saviour born to fulfill a prophecy?

Wei Wuxian kept on sobbing her heart out until she felt the same feeling she once felt a long time ago during her time living in the streets alone, only with the company of her sweet Youling jie.

Wei Xianying 'A story untold' (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now