Chapter 51: The Truth

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I hastily walked inside her room, the faint smell of lavander greeting me along with the sound of classical music.

"Is there anything you need?" I asked, "Domi wasn't downstairs when I got back so maybe I could get you something instead."

I awkardly stood beside her and studied the canvas.

The striking scenery of a landscape farm blew my mind- as if it was printed, a slightly blurred house with a red roof stood tall in the middle of the-

"I didn't ask you to come in and look." Her hand covered the painting and I looked away, embarrased.


"Sit," she picked up her brush, "I'm busy so I'll tell you something quick."

"Okay?" I sat down at the edge of her bed, silently wanting to get out of this awkward situation.

"You should get out." She said out of the blue without looking back.

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrows, clearly baffled of what she just said.

"You heard me," she finally looked at me, her peircing gray eyes staring straight to my soul, "you don't want to stay here."

"Can I at least ask why?" I said, confused at her, "I am getting out soon but it's quite rude to-"

She set her brush down, "look, every second you're here, a dollar gets wasted. Just listen to me."

I stood up and walked out of the room, both offensed and confused. "Okay."

Marco did me a huge favor by staying here for a night, I can't just come in and talk back to his family.

"I better not see you before dinner." Her voice was hinted with sadness but I chose to ignore it.

I closed the door behind me and found May outside, just beside the room.

"Heard everything?" I chuckled, trying to lighten up the heavy atmosphere, "I'll get going, don't worry."

"Of course." She laughed with me, "I can't see colors but I can hear, you know."

I pointed to the door a few steps away from Hiraeth's, "I'm guessing this is Marco's?"

"Hiraeth has a reason why," She said, following me to his room. "I'll tell you so at least you won't feel rejected."

"Thank you." I closed the door and we sat in his bed, "I got through bad things one after another so I appreciate it."

"It's nothing." She shook her head. "but after this you'll move out, yes?"

I gulped. I need to find an apartment fast.


She moved her hands on his neatly made bed, our weight making the sheets crumple towards us. "You know how Marco got caught up with selling weed, right?"

I nodded. She's going straight to the point already.

"Marco got involved with a huge group of gang that wanted more than he supplies, more than just weed."

My eyes widened.

He wasn't lying when he told me the reason why we broke up.

"He stole it from his suppliers, got targeted by that person, gave those to the gang, and then they beat him up." She sighed deeply, "We've been paying off the debt from the supplier ever since."

"So that's why Hiraeth wanted me to go that badly?" I replied.

"Not entirely," she looked at her lap and smiled, "she's protecting you. If we don't pay, we'll be in trouble and she doesn't want you to get caught up with it too."

"Oh." I mumbled. I judged too quickly.

"It's okay," She smiled warmly at me, her eyes still failing to hide a glint of worry, "she has someone she wants to stay with us but she can't because of the situation right now."

It reminded me how negative I looked towards Chloe the first time we met. People go through this things even in real life-

Was I too close minded?

"She's in a bit of a rush but it's the only first time we've all seen her this focused on something." She turned towards me, "we don't mind another person, really. But right now it's dangerous, we can't risk it."

These people aren't the ones I see in school everyday. On the outside they look like lost people finding their own family and living their lives the way they wanted but under the surface...

A knock made our heads turn towards the door and Marco's head popped in, "Am I interrupting something?"

"Not really," May smiled, "What's up?"

One thing I realize is that they switch quick. Marco went from sad to all smiles, the same as May, the same as Hiraeth.

They really stay strong to be strong for the family without knowing that's what everyone else does too.

He fully stepped inside the room and scratched the back of his head. "Police are here..."

May shot up, "What?!" Her face drained in color.

Marco held his hands up,"No no! they're uh... here for Lia..."

May's body plopped down the bed and she groaned, "at least give context, you're going to give me a heart attack."

He apologized and they both looked at me.

Ah fuck.

Author's notes:

I'm so sorry for skipping yesterday, Impostor syndrome hit me BAD. I needed a little break :(

The same goes for you! I don't know what you're doing or who you are but just know that you're doing amazing! And this random person maybe thousand miles away from you is proud (that's me) so don't overwork, rest too.

That's all, see you in the next chapter! <3

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