Chapter 77

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Note: I left like a little hint there, I'm curious as to what theories you guys have about it.

They've gathered once again, and this time there was silence. What were they supposed to do now? They should have stopped her when they could, are least, that was what the Time Keeper had said. Now, now she was gone and although they could hunt her, she has become stronger than they have realized. They did not have the power to stop her, no matter how many times they went back in time.

All in all, they are ashamed. Ashamed of themselves, they had the resources to control what they knew. They should have more control of their knowledge of time and yet, now that they've met you, they have realized just home much they lacked.

It was an embarrassment, that a young woman, alone managed to perfect the use of Time and for once...Right at this moment they didn't know how to go about things.

It was intended for all the Kages to gather, but some wouldn't have been able to arrive in time. And quite honestly, some refused to gather and discuss the matters at hand. Perhaps they've realized they weren't going to be affected by whatever was about to happen.

Tsunade rubbed her forehead in exasperation, Shikamaru had his gaze on her face. She was beyond stressed, who wouldn't be?

Gaara, Temari and Kankuro didn't particularly stressed or anxious, they seemed disappointed perhaps? It was the that Tsunade laughed as she leaned back, turned her seat around to look out the window. "For once I believed she would use the protection the Akatsuki had offered her. But that girl isn't stupid." Once more she laughed, " who would have imagined she would play, PLAY the Akatsuki."

"What matter at hand is laughable?" The Time Keeper questioned, he was furious. " Don't you understand how serious her disappearance is? She is gone, she went back in time and she's going to-if she hasn't already - mess time."

Mess time. Change the past, the future. Shikamaru frowned, he had been observant for the past few days. And perhaps no one had realized, or perhaps it was all in his head but he had seen changes. Changes on Tsunade's appearance. It would change just just a mili second, and then it would be gone. Had he not paid attention, perhaps he would have missed it.

"I'm well aware of the seriousness of the situation, but she isn't out our priority. As much as would like to say that it is, we have the Akatsuki to worry about too. Specially now," The woman let out an exasperated sigh turning back to face everyone.

Kakashi's eye turned to look at Gaara, "and requesting the Kazekage to be present isn't exactly a wise choice. Since the Akatsuki has resumed their objective, they're going to come and find him. "

However, they weren't sure if he was safe here or if it was beat for him to return. They could provide protect for Gaara, but they still had to protect Naruto as well.

"But they're not your priority," Shaking his head, Shikamaru revealed. "You're in charge of the past, and that is all that matters to you. To keep it protected, safe. The future has yet to be written, and it is none of your jurisdiction."

" Like you've said, the future has yet to be written, the past is. If she goes back, you have absolutely no idea how dangerous it is." Of course the Time Keeper cared, he cared if there was an upcoming war. Wars bright nothing but death and destruction. " Just.... Just a small change, " The Time Keeper turned to Shikamaru, " let us assume she went back in time when your father met your mother." And they all knew what that meant. But what made Shikamaru's face twist in disgust was what the man said next. "She's an adult now, let's assume she met your father instea-"

"I understand your point," he snapped. How could he make that... Theory. Thinking about it made his stomach twist and not in a good way. The woman that he...

Toyo had been ordered to join the meeting, out of everyone he and Rafu knew how you worked. Rafu had been refrained from joining, he was too emotional. His mind raced back in time, he did not wish to help them. But they told him, they promised him that if he helped them, then they would lower your punishment. Then something clicked, "it all makes sense now," he blurted out, and he had to repeat himself to capture their attention. "When we attacked brothels, many people were thankful for what we did. And although that was true, we attacked locations that were close by. Do you have your records about her case?"

Shizune was quick to retired the file, Toyo's eyes read all of your case. But, there were many cases, many murders that did not make any sense. " Some of these deaths are horrific, " he can to say, " and completely opposite from the locations we targeted. Although her ability to mask and transform describe her, this wasn't us."

" Which means it our [Name] is the one responsible. How didn't we see that before. " Temari added. " And that doesn't help us at all. "

" It does, " Finally the Time Keeper rose to his feet, and he looked almost relieved. " We're not supposed to mess the future of anyone, even hers. Now that we know he location, of the [Name] that belongs to the future we can act. "

" Act how," Kankuro hadn't spoken, until now. " What are you going to do? "

" Hey, " Toyo seemed panicked and worries. " You promised you wouldn't harm her. "

The Time Keeper laughed, " they promised you that, not me. "

" They're going to kill her. " Kakashi explained, though they didn't need that explanation since it was clear.

"Well,* Tsunade exhaled. " As much as I'll like to focus on her, we must figure out got to stop the Akatsuki. Jiraiya isn't here, and I'm assuming where he is. But being alone, he won't be able to stop him. " Not when there were so many of the Akatsuki. " While he returns, we should find a plan to protect Naruto and Protect you. The Akatsuki are missing Naruto and the Kazekage."

" We will protect him, " because Naruto would be the Leaf's priority. " Just make sure Naruto is safe. "

" We will keep in touch, and it would be best if we depart now." They had  been here about a day, but it had been an emergency. And they would have preferred if they had not been summoned.

The siblings began to leave, and when they were out of earshot, Kankuro couldn't keep  it to himself. " Are... Are we going to abandon her? I know what she is doing isn'-"

" She made her choices Kankuro, and when she joined the Akatsuki, she knew they were going to target Gaara. " It pained her to say it, but it was the truth.

" Temari... " It sounds almost like a warning, or a reprimand from Gaara.

" It's true, [Name] has been nothing but reckless and selfish. Instead of going back to kill those bastards why didn't she stay and help save Gaara instead?" Kankuro said nothing, " that's right, because she is selfish. She's just proving the Time Keepers that they're right about her."

With that she walked up ahead, Kankuro following after. Gaara... He stayed back for a minute. Selfish... It was easy for everyone to say that. For everyone who didn't go through what you did, and although it wasn't an excuse... He was grateful for what you are doing. No one else was. Besides, no one else was willing or able to help you. How could they condemned someone for wanting to live? For someone who had started to live a " normal" and honest life. They couldn't, they could not blame you.

Perhaps time wasn't at their hands, and perhaps they were not able to help you now but... If you even came back home, he wasn't going to give you his back any more.

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