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Author's Note: And now the conclusion...


"Sir, we've got eight teams standing by," Lieutenant Olivet reported.

"Right," Captain Picard nodded.

He wasn't entirely comfortable with sending away teams out in shuttlepods to hunt the Romulans, but Jean-Luc couldn't risk starting a war.

"And they know this is strictly an informational gathering mission?" Jean-Luc pressed. "Reconnaissance only."

Lieutenant Olivet nodded with confidence.

"Yes, sir," she replied. "I think we're all keen to get this search done and over with. And without it escalating."

"Good," Picard replied. "Get yourself done to the shuttlebay and await my orders."

With Worf and Tasha confined to quarters, Captain Picard was counting on Lieutenant Olivet to lead the mission.

As soon as the door closed, Jean-Luc sat down behind his desk and sighed.

"You are anxious," Deanna observed.

"Indeed," Picard agreed.

How could I not be? Picard mused internally.

"I take no comfort in ordering them out there," Picard shared. "And the fact Lieutenants Worf and Yar aren't going with them...well."

He paused and shook his head.

"They're nervous too," Deanna explained. "And their lack of confidence is only amplified by your concern."

There was a growing sense of misgiving that permeated every available inch of Deanna's consciousness.

"They know you're not keen on this," Deanna went on. "We all do. And rightfully so. But right now, we need you to project faith in this plan."

"I just hope I can save a little for myself," Jean-Luc replied.


"Are we sure this going to work?" Riker asked.

"No," Tasha said. "But that doesn't mean we didn't make the right decision to try."

She did not look up from helm controls as she carefully adjusted their course heading. They were flying fast and staying close to larger objects using a technique called 'rock skipping' in order to try and throw off the Romulan sensors.

Since they didn't have the same cloaking abilities as the Romulans, they were relying on old tricks to try and sneak up on them.

"And if it doesn't?" Riker pressed.

"We will die," Worf said simply in his signature baritone voice.

"Klingon optimism," Riker retorted.

"We are going to die regardless," Worf reminded him.

"Sir, if you're having second thoughts-" Tasha began to say.

"No, no," Riker cut her off.

He knew it was too late to turn back.

Behind them, Miles stopped refitting one of the photo torpedoes. He wiped the sweat from his brow and then looked up at the rest of the team.

"Look, I don't feel right about leaving Keiko like this," Miles admitted. "But I know it's for the best."

It was a mutual feeling among the group.

"We have a chance to stop the Romulans before they can finish this subspace communications station. And we can do it in a way that keeps our loved ones on the Enterprise safe," Miles explained.

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